Blog / Hunting for Coyotes: Night vs. Day Strategies

By Connor Thomas
Wednesday, June 05, 2024

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Coyote hunting presents a thrilling challenge for outdoor enthusiasts across America. As nocturnal predators, coyotes are often more active during the night, but hunting them during the day offers its own set of advantages. In this article, we'll explore the strategies and tactics for hunting coyotes both day and night, helping you maximize your success in the field.

Daytime Strategies:

Hunting coyotes during the day requires a different approach compared to nighttime hunts. One advantage of daytime hunting is improved visibility, allowing hunters to spot coyotes more easily in open terrain. Here are some effective strategies for daytime coyote hunting:

Scouting: Before heading out, scout the area for signs of coyote activity such as tracks, scat, and prey remains. Look for areas with dense cover, such as brushy fields and wooded areas, where coyotes are likely to seek shelter during the day.

Calling: Use predator calls to mimic the sounds of distressed prey, such as rabbits or rodents. Electronic callers are particularly effective for daytime hunting, as they can produce a variety of realistic sounds to attract coyotes from a distance.

Concealment: Blend into your surroundings by using natural camouflage or hunting blinds to conceal your movements. Position yourself downwind of your calling location to prevent coyotes from detecting your scent.

Nighttime Strategies:

Nighttime hunting offers its own set of challenges and rewards. Coyotes are typically more active after dusk, making it an ideal time to target these elusive predators. Here are some strategies for hunting coyotes at night:

Spotlighting: Use a powerful spotlight to scan the area for eyeshine, which appears as a reflective glow in the darkness. Coyotes' eyes will reflect light, making them easier to spot at night. Be sure to check local regulations regarding spotlighting laws.

Thermal Imaging: Invest in a thermal imaging scope or camera to detect heat signatures emitted by coyotes and other animals. Thermal imaging technology allows hunters to track coyotes in complete darkness, giving them a distinct advantage during nighttime hunts.

Calling and Decoying: Employ electronic predator calls and decoys to attract coyotes to your location. Experiment with different sounds and decoy setups to maximize your chances of success. Be patient and allow enough time for coyotes to respond to your calls.

Whether you prefer the challenge of daytime hunting or the excitement of nighttime pursuits, coyote hunting offers an exhilarating outdoor experience. By employing the right strategies and tactics, hunters can increase their chances of success in pursuing these cunning predators. Remember to always hunt ethically and responsibly, respecting both wildlife and landowners.

Don't miss out on your next coyote hunting adventure! Check out the hunting outfitters listed on Find A Hunt across America for expert guides and unforgettable hunting experiences.

Visit Find A Hunt to explore our selection of hunting outfitters and plan your next coyote hunting trip today!