Blog / Hunting for Coyotes: Using Hand Calls

By Connor Thomas
Wednesday, June 05, 2024

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Coyote hunting presents a thrilling challenge for hunters, requiring patience, skill, and the right equipment. Among the various methods available, using hand calls stands out as a traditional and effective way to lure these elusive predators. In this guide, we'll delve into the art of coyote hunting with hand calls and how it can enhance your hunting experience.

Understanding Hand Calls:

Hand calls, also known as predator calls, are devices hunters use to mimic the sounds of distressed prey or other animals to attract coyotes. These calls come in various types, including open reed calls, closed reed calls, and diaphragm calls. Each produces distinct sounds that can imitate different prey or distress calls, such as rabbits, birds, or injured small mammals.

Mastering the Technique:

To effectively use hand calls, hunters must understand the natural behaviors and communication patterns of coyotes. Start by practicing different call techniques to produce realistic sounds. Experiment with volume, tone, and cadence to mimic the distress calls of potential prey. Additionally, consider the wind direction and terrain to position yourself strategically for a successful hunt.

Choosing the Right Call:

Selecting the appropriate hand call depends on various factors, including the local coyote population, terrain, and weather conditions. Open reed calls offer versatility and ease of use, making them ideal for beginners. Closed reed calls provide more control over pitch and tone, while diaphragm calls offer hands-free operation for greater mobility during hunts. Experiment with different calls to find the one that works best for your hunting style and environment.

Tips for Success:

Practice regularly to improve your calling technique and increase your chances of success.

Use decoys to enhance the realism of your setup and attract curious coyotes within shooting range.

Remain patient and vigilant, as coyotes may take their time investigating before approaching your location.

Stay concealed and avoid sudden movements to prevent spooking wary coyotes.

Respect local regulations and obtain necessary permits before hunting coyotes in your area.

Hunting coyotes with hand calls is a rewarding pursuit that requires skill, patience, and a deep understanding of coyote behavior. By mastering the art of calling and employing effective hunting strategies, you can enhance your hunting experience and increase your chances of a successful hunt.

Ready to put your skills to the test? Explore the hunting outfitters listed on Find A Hunt across America. Whether you're a seasoned hunter or a novice looking for an exciting adventure, our curated selection of outfitters ensures a memorable and fulfilling hunting experience. Visit today and start planning your next coyote hunting expedition!