Blog / Hunting for Coyotes: Winter vs. Summer Tactics

By Connor Thomas
Wednesday, June 05, 2024

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Coyote hunting presents itself as both a challenge and a thrilling experience for hunters throughout the year. However, the tactics employed can vary significantly depending on the season. Whether you're prowling the snow-laden landscapes of winter or navigating the balmy nights of summer, understanding the nuances of each season can make all the difference in your hunting success.

Winter Tactics:

As the frost settles and the landscape becomes a canvas of white, coyotes adapt their behavior to the harsh conditions. During winter, coyotes are often more active during the day, seeking food to sustain themselves through the cold nights. This shift in behavior offers hunters a unique opportunity to track them down during daylight hours.

Winter hunting tactics for coyotes typically involve utilizing calls and decoys. The sound of distressed prey or the sight of a potential meal can lure coyotes within range. Additionally, tracking through the snow can be easier, allowing hunters to follow coyote trails and set up ambushes effectively.

Another effective strategy in winter is to focus on areas with dense cover, such as thickets and brush, where coyotes seek refuge from the biting cold. Patience and stealth are key as you wait for your prey to emerge from its hiding spot.

Summer Tactics:

In contrast to winter, summer brings its own set of challenges and opportunities for coyote hunters. As temperatures rise, coyotes become more nocturnal, seeking shelter from the heat during the day and venturing out under the cover of darkness to hunt.

During summer, hunting coyotes often involves night hunts using specialized equipment such as thermal scopes and night vision goggles. These tools allow hunters to spot coyotes in low-light conditions and increase their chances of a successful hunt.

Calling remains an effective tactic in summer as well, with coyotes responding to distress calls or the sounds of potential prey. However, it's essential to adapt your calling strategy to account for the nocturnal behavior of coyotes during this season.

Whether you prefer the stark beauty of a winter landscape or the warm embrace of a summer night, coyote hunting offers excitement and challenge year-round. By understanding the unique behaviors of coyotes in each season and employing the appropriate tactics, hunters can increase their chances of a successful hunt.

As you prepare for your next coyote hunting adventure, remember to check out the hunting outfitters listed on Find A Hunt. With a diverse selection of outfitters across America, Find A Hunt makes it easy to find the perfect hunting experience tailored to your preferences and location.

Ready to embark on your next hunting expedition? Explore the hunting outfitters listed on Find A Hunt and plan your ultimate coyote hunting adventure today!