Blog / Hunting for Feral Hogs: Using Spot and Stalk

By Connor Thomas
Wednesday, June 05, 2024

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Feral hogs, also known as wild boars or wild pigs, can be a significant nuisance for farmers and landowners across America. Not only do they cause damage to crops and property, but they also pose a threat to native wildlife and habitats. One effective method of controlling feral hog populations is spot and stalk hunting. In this article, we'll explore what spot and stalk hunting entails and how you can use this technique to hunt feral hogs effectively.

Spot and Stalk Hunting: The Basics

Spot and stalk hunting is a method commonly used for hunting elusive and wary game animals, including feral hogs. The process involves spotting the target animal from a distance, usually with the aid of binoculars or spotting scopes, and then stalking or quietly approaching within shooting range to take a shot.

Tips for Spot and Stalk Hunting Feral Hogs

Scout the Area: Before you embark on a spot and stalk hunt for feral hogs, spend some time scouting the area. Look for signs of hog activity such as tracks, rooting, and wallows. Pay attention to their feeding and bedding areas, as well as the trails they use.

Use Optics: Invest in quality binoculars or spotting scopes to help you spot feral hogs from a distance. Scan the landscape carefully, focusing on areas with dense cover where hogs are likely to hide during the day.

Move Slowly and Quietly: When stalking feral hogs, move slowly and quietly to avoid detection. Pay attention to the wind direction to prevent your scent from giving away your position. Use natural cover such as trees, bushes, and terrain features to conceal your movements.

Stay Patient: Spot and stalk hunting requires patience and persistence. Be prepared to spend long hours glassing and stalking before you get a shot opportunity. Avoid rushing your shots and wait for the perfect moment to take aim.

Practice Shot Placement: Feral hogs are tough animals, and shot placement is crucial for a clean and ethical kill. Aim for vital organs such as the heart and lungs for a quick and humane kill.

Why Choose Find A Hunt?

At Find A Hunt, we understand the thrill and challenge of hunting feral hogs. That's why we've curated a list of top hunting outfitters across America who offer guided feral hog hunts. Whether you're a seasoned hunter or a beginner looking for an exciting adventure, our listed outfitters can provide you with unforgettable hunting experiences.

Ready to Start Hunting?

Visit Find A Hunt today to explore our directory of hunting outfitters and book your next feral hog hunting adventure. Don't miss out on the opportunity to experience the thrill of spot and stalk hunting with experienced guides in prime hog hunting locations across America.

Check out the hunting outfitters listed on Find A Hunt and start planning your next hunting trip today!