Blog / Hunting for Merriam's Turkeys: Using Roost Sites

By Connor Thomas
Wednesday, June 05, 2024

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When it comes to hunting Merriam's turkeys, understanding their behavior and habitat is essential for a successful hunt. These majestic birds, known for their striking white tips on their tail feathers, inhabit the mountainous regions of the western United States. One crucial aspect of hunting Merriam's turkeys is locating and utilizing roost sites effectively.

Roost sites are where turkeys spend their nights, resting and staying safe from predators. Knowing where these sites are located can significantly increase your chances of a successful hunt. Here are some tips for finding and utilizing roost sites when hunting Merriam's turkeys:

1. Scout Early and Often: Begin scouting for roost sites well before the hunting season begins. Merriam's turkeys tend to roost in tall trees, often near water sources or open fields. Look for large conifers or hardwoods with sturdy branches that can support the weight of roosting turkeys.

2. Listen for Gobbles: Early mornings and evenings are prime times to listen for gobbling turkeys as they fly up to roost or come down in the morning. Use a locator call such as an owl hooter or crow call to elicit responses from nearby turkeys. Once you've located a roost site, mark it on your map and plan your hunting strategy accordingly.

3. Set Up Early: On the day of the hunt, arrive at your chosen roost site well before first light. Set up your hunting blind or position yourself against a tree, making sure to stay concealed and downwind of the roost site. Give yourself plenty of time to settle in and wait for the turkeys to fly down from the roost.

4. Be Patient: Hunting Merriam's turkeys from a roost site requires patience and perseverance. Even if you don't hear or see turkeys right away, remain still and quiet, as they may take some time to fly down from the roost. Avoid making any unnecessary noise or movements that could alert the turkeys to your presence.

5. Use Decoys and Calls: Once the turkeys begin to fly down from the roost, use decoys and calls to attract them within range. A combination of hen decoys and soft yelps or purrs can be highly effective in luring in curious gobblers. Be prepared for quick shots as the turkeys approach your setup.

Mastering the art of hunting Merriam's turkeys from roost sites requires careful planning, scouting, and patience. By understanding turkey behavior and utilizing effective hunting strategies, you can increase your chances of a successful hunt.

Remember, Find A Hunt offers a wide selection of hunting outfitters across America, ready to assist you in your pursuit of Merriam's turkeys and other game species. Visit our website to explore hunting opportunities in your area and book your next adventure today!

Happy hunting!

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