Blog / Hunting for Mourning Doves: Techniques for Success

By Connor Thomas
Wednesday, June 05, 2024

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Mourning doves, with their graceful flight and distinct cooing, present a challenging yet rewarding hunt for enthusiasts across America. As one of the most widely pursued game birds, mastering the techniques for hunting mourning doves can elevate your hunting experience to new heights. In this guide, we'll delve into effective strategies and tips for a successful mourning dove hunt.

Scouting Locations: Mourning doves are often found near agricultural fields, open fields, and water sources. Begin by scouting potential hunting locations beforehand to identify areas where doves frequent. Look for flight paths, roosting sites, and feeding areas.

Concealment: Setting up effective concealment is crucial for a successful dove hunt. Utilize natural cover such as bushes, trees, or layout blinds to blend into the surroundings. Avoid making sudden movements and minimize noise to avoid alerting the doves.

Decoys: Deploying decoys can significantly enhance your chances of attracting mourning doves. Place decoys strategically in open areas, simulating a feeding flock. Consider using spinning-wing decoys to add movement and realism, attracting doves from a distance.

Timing: Mourning doves are most active during the early morning and late afternoon hours. Plan your hunt accordingly, arriving at your chosen location well before sunrise to set up and capitalize on prime hunting hours.

Shotgun and Ammunition: Opt for a shotgun with a modified or improved cylinder choke to achieve a wider spread pattern, ideal for fast-moving doves. Use lightweight shot such as #7.5 or #8, which provides sufficient stopping power while minimizing damage to the meat.

Shot Placement: Aim for the head or upper body of the dove for clean and ethical kills. Practice shooting at moving targets to improve accuracy and ensure humane harvests.

Stay Mobile: Mourning doves are highly nomadic birds, often changing feeding and roosting locations throughout the day. Stay mobile and adaptable, relocating if your current spot proves unproductive.

Safety First: Always prioritize safety while hunting. Be aware of your surroundings, especially when hunting in groups. Use ear and eye protection, and adhere to all firearm safety rules.

Respect Regulations: Familiarize yourself with local hunting regulations and obtain necessary permits before embarking on a mourning dove hunt. Adhering to bag limits and hunting seasons ensures sustainable practices and conserves dove populations for future generations.

Enjoy the Experience: While a successful harvest is rewarding, remember to appreciate the overall hunting experience. Spend time outdoors, observe nature, and cherish moments shared with fellow hunters.

In conclusion, hunting mourning doves requires skill, patience, and a deep understanding of their behavior. By employing effective techniques such as scouting, concealment, and shot placement, you can increase your chances of a successful hunt. Visit "Find A Hunt" to explore hunting outfitters across America and embark on your next dove hunting adventure.

Happy hunting!

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