Blog / Hunting for Wild Turkeys: Early Season vs. Late Season

By Connor Thomas
Wednesday, June 05, 2024

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As hunting enthusiasts eagerly anticipate the turkey season, a crucial decision looms: early season or late season? Each period offers its unique challenges and rewards, catering to different hunting styles and preferences. Let's delve into the intricacies of early and late season turkey hunting to help you make an informed choice for your next expedition.

Early Season: The Thrill of the Start

Early season turkey hunting typically begins in spring, often amid cool mornings and budding foliage. During this period, turkeys are actively seeking mates, making them more responsive to calls and decoys. The birds are less wary, increasing the likelihood of successful hunts for seasoned and novice hunters alike.

Advantages of Early Season Hunting:

Vocal Turkeys: Gobblers are vocal and aggressive, making them more susceptible to calling.

Less Pressure: With fewer hunters in the woods, turkeys are less cautious, providing ample opportunities for successful hunts.

Favorable Weather: Mild temperatures and budding vegetation offer comfortable hunting conditions.

Strategies for Early Season Success:

Roosting: Locate roosting sites beforehand to intercept turkeys as they descend in the morning.

Use Decoys: Employ realistic decoys to lure in curious gobblers.

Master Calling: Practice various turkey calls to effectively communicate with the birds.

Late Season: A Test of Patience and Skill

As the season progresses, turkeys become more wary and cautious due to increased hunting pressure and changing environmental factors. Late season hunting presents a challenge, demanding patience, stealth, and adaptability from hunters.

Advantages of Late Season Hunting:

Solitude: With many hunters wrapping up their season, you'll have the woods to yourself, offering a serene hunting experience.

Patterned Birds: Turkeys establish predictable patterns, making them easier to locate and ambush.

Strategic Calling: Use soft, subtle calls to entice wary gobblers without alerting them to your presence.

Strategies for Late Season Success:

Scouting: Continuously scout for turkey activity to pinpoint their current patterns and habits.

Employ Concealment: Utilize natural cover or blinds to remain undetected by cautious birds.

Exercise Patience: Be prepared for extended sits and wait for the perfect opportunity to make your move.

Whether you prefer the excitement of early season hunts or the challenge of late season pursuits, turkey hunting offers an exhilarating experience for outdoor enthusiasts. At "Find A Hunt," we understand the thrill of the chase and cater to hunters seeking unforgettable adventures across America.

Ready to embark on your next turkey hunting expedition? Explore the diverse range of hunting outfitters listed on "Find A Hunt" and discover exceptional opportunities to pursue wild turkeys in your desired location. Don't miss out on the chance to turn your hunting dreams into reality with our curated selection of experienced guides and outfitters.

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