Blog / Hunting for Wild Turkeys: Setting Up a Decoy Spread

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, June 04, 2024

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Hunting wild turkeys is a thrilling pursuit that requires strategy, patience, and skill. One effective technique that many hunters employ is setting up a decoy spread. A well-placed decoy spread can attract turkeys within range, increasing your chances of a successful hunt. In this guide, we'll discuss how to set up a decoy spread for hunting wild turkeys.

Choosing the Right Decoys

Before setting up your decoy spread, it's essential to choose the right decoys. There are various types of turkey decoys available, including hen, jake, and tom decoys. Each serves a different purpose and can be used in different hunting scenarios.

Hen decoys are great for attracting curious gobblers looking for a mate. Jake decoys, which represent young male turkeys, can provoke a dominant response from mature toms. Tom decoys, also known as strutters, can intimidate other males and draw them into range.

Consider the terrain and the behavior of the turkeys in your hunting area when selecting decoys. Additionally, using a combination of decoys can create a more realistic setup and increase your chances of success.

Setting Up Your Decoy Spread

Once you've chosen your decoys, it's time to set up your decoy spread. Start by scouting the area and identifying turkey roosting, feeding, and strutting locations. Look for open areas with good visibility and minimal obstructions.

Place your decoys strategically to mimic a natural turkey gathering. Position hen decoys in feeding or resting positions, while placing jake or tom decoys nearby to simulate competition or courtship behavior. Consider using decoy stakes or decoy bags to keep your decoys stable and secure.

It's essential to set up your decoy spread well before sunrise to avoid spooking turkeys already on the roost. Once your decoys are in place, find a suitable location to conceal yourself and wait for the turkeys to approach.

Patience and Persistence

Hunting wild turkeys requires patience and persistence. Even with a well-placed decoy spread, success is not guaranteed. Turkeys can be unpredictable, and it may take time for them to respond to your decoys.

Be prepared to wait quietly for extended periods, remaining alert and ready to take a shot when the opportunity presents itself. Avoid excessive movement or noise that could alert wary turkeys to your presence.

Setting up a decoy spread is a valuable technique for hunting wild turkeys. By choosing the right decoys and positioning them strategically, you can increase your chances of attracting turkeys within range. Remember to exercise patience and persistence, as hunting wild turkeys can be challenging but rewarding.

For more hunting tips and to find outfitters across America, visit Find A Hunt. Our listings feature reputable hunting guides and outfitters who can help you plan your next turkey hunting adventure. Happy hunting!

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