Blog / Hunting for Wild Turkeys: Using Mouth Calls

By Connor Thomas
Wednesday, June 05, 2024

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Hunting wild turkeys is a cherished tradition for many outdoor enthusiasts. Among the various techniques used, mouth calls stand out as a versatile and effective method for attracting these elusive birds. In this guide, we'll delve into the art of using mouth calls for turkey hunting, providing tips and insights to help you enhance your hunting experience.

Understanding Mouth Calls:

Mouth calls, also known as diaphragm calls, are compact devices that hunters place inside their mouths to mimic the sounds of turkeys. These calls consist of latex or other materials stretched across a frame, with reeds that vibrate when air passes over them. By controlling airflow and tongue position, hunters can produce a range of turkey vocalizations, including yelps, clucks, purrs, and gobbles.

Mastering the Techniques:

Using mouth calls effectively requires practice and finesse. Start by familiarizing yourself with the different calls and their purposes. For instance, yelps are versatile and can be used to locate turkeys or attract them within range. Clucks and purrs are softer sounds that can be used to reassure wary birds or communicate with other turkeys in the area.

Practice regularly to develop consistency and precision in your calling. Experiment with different mouth calls to find one that suits your style and produces realistic turkey sounds. Remember to keep the call moist for optimal performance and longevity.

Strategies for Success:

When hunting wild turkeys with mouth calls, it's essential to blend into your surroundings and remain patient. Find a strategic location with good visibility and cover, such as near a roosting site or along a turkey's travel route. Set up early in the morning when turkeys are most active and receptive to calling.

Use a variety of calls and cadences to mimic the natural behavior of turkeys. Start with soft, subtle calls to gauge the response of nearby birds. If you attract a turkey's attention, adjust your calling to match its behavior and maintain its interest.

Closing Thoughts:

Mastering the art of using mouth calls for turkey hunting can greatly enhance your success in the field. With practice and persistence, you can become proficient in producing lifelike turkey sounds and enticing these wary birds within range.

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Ready to embark on your next hunting adventure? Explore the top hunting outfitters listed on Find A Hunt and book your next excursion today!

With the right skills, equipment, and strategies, you can make your turkey hunting experience both challenging and rewarding. So grab your mouth call, head into the woods, and let the hunt begin!