Blog / Hunting Mourning Doves: Shot Placement and Techniques

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, June 04, 2024

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Mourning doves, with their swift flight and erratic movements, present a unique challenge to hunters. These graceful birds are popular game across America, offering both excitement and skill-testing opportunities. However, to ensure ethical hunting and successful harvests, understanding proper shot placement and employing effective techniques is crucial.

Shot Placement:

Vital Organs: Like any game bird, hitting vital organs ensures swift and humane kills. Aim for the upper chest area, just below the head, where the heart and lungs are located. A well-placed shot here guarantees a quick and clean harvest.

Lead Shots: Given their swift flight, leading your shots is essential when targeting mourning doves. Anticipate their trajectory and shoot slightly ahead to intercept their path. Practice and familiarity with your firearm are key to mastering this technique.

Head Shots: For experienced marksmen, head shots can be effective. However, they require exceptional accuracy due to the dove's small head size and rapid movements. Reserve head shots for confident shooters to avoid injuring the bird without a clean kill.


Decoying: Using dove decoys can attract passing birds, providing excellent shooting opportunities. Set up decoys in open areas, preferably near water sources or fields where doves feed. Employing decoys alongside natural cover enhances their effectiveness.

Hunting Blinds: Concealment is crucial when hunting mourning doves. Construct or utilize hunting blinds strategically placed near feeding or watering sites. Blinds offer cover and minimize movement, increasing the chances of a successful hunt.

Scouting: Prioritize scouting to identify high-traffic dove areas. Pay attention to flight patterns, feeding grounds, and roosting sites. Understanding dove behavior and habitat preferences significantly improves hunting success.

Timing: Doves are most active during the early morning and late afternoon hours. Plan hunts accordingly to capitalize on peak activity periods. Additionally, hunting during cooler weather conditions can increase dove movement and visibility.

Mastering shot placement and employing effective hunting techniques are essential for pursuing mourning doves successfully. Whether utilizing decoys, hunting blinds, or scouting techniques, preparation and patience are key to a rewarding hunt.

As you embark on your next dove hunting adventure, remember the importance of ethical hunting practices and respect for wildlife. By following these guidelines, you'll not only enhance your hunting skills but also contribute to the conservation of this cherished game bird species.

Check out the hunting outfitters listed on Find A Hunt across America for expert guidance and unforgettable hunting experiences. Happy hunting!

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