Blog / Hunting pigeons

By Connor Thomas
Monday, March 27, 2023

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Hunting pigeons is a profoundly fulfilling and arduous experience for hunters, regardless of their skill level. These fast, agile, and gregarious birds are a sought-after target among hunters, given their tendency to flock together. In this article, we will delve into the nuances of the hunting process by discussing a series of tips, techniques, and equipment requirements necessary to get started.

The first and foremost element to consider is understanding the intricate behavior and habits of pigeons. These socially inclined creatures often travel in flocks, primarily during the early morning and late afternoon hours, and are typically found inhabiting a wide range of locales, including urban areas, farms, and fields. They are versatile feeders and thrive on a diet of seeds, grains, and insects.

If you want to hunt pigeons, it is essential to equip yourself with a few fundamental pieces of equipment. The shotgun, preferably a 12-gauge or 20-gauge, is the most crucial component. A shotgun with a modified choke is an ideal choice for shooting pigeons. Additionally, you will need a hunting license and relevant permits to hunt in your area. Other gear you may want to consider includes camouflage clothing, a hunting vest, and a hunting bag to carry your equipment.

When it comes to hunting pigeons, there are several techniques you can employ, each with its unique features. One prevalent method is setting up decoys to lure the birds. You can purchase pigeon decoys or make them yourself using materials like cardboard or plastic. Place the decoys in a field or other open areas where pigeons are likely to be found and patiently wait for the birds to come to investigate.

Another technique is to use a pigeon call to attract the birds. You can choose from various pigeon calls, including hand-held calls and electronic callers. These calls mimic the sounds that pigeons use to communicate with each other, which can help to bring them within range.

Once you have managed to attract the pigeons, it's crucial to be patient and wait for the perfect moment to take your shot. Given that pigeons are fast and agile, you need to be quick and precise to hit your target. Aim for the head or neck of the bird as it is the most effective way to take it down.

When hunting pigeons, it's vital always to follow safe and ethical hunting practices. Never shoot at a bird that is out of range or flying directly at you, and always be aware of your surroundings and the location of other hunters in the area. Furthermore, be sure to appropriately dispose of any pigeons you harvest, and never leave them to waste.

In conclusion, pigeon hunting can be a fun and challenging experience for hunters, regardless of their proficiency level. With the right equipment, techniques, and mindset, you can successfully harvest these birds while also practicing safe and ethical hunting practices. Therefore, whether you're a seasoned hunter or just starting out, consider adding pigeon hunting to your hunting repertoire. And if you need help finding a hunting spot, do check out Find A Hunt, the premier online platform for connecting hunters with hunting opportunities across the country.