Blog / Hunting Whitetail Deer During the Full Moon: Myths and Facts

By Connor Thomas
Monday, February 26, 2024

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  • Hunting under the full moon has long been a topic of debate among hunters, particularly when it comes to pursuing whitetail deer. Some swear by its effectiveness, while others dismiss it as a mere myth. In this article, we'll delve into the myths and facts surrounding hunting whitetail deer during the full moon.

  • Myth: Deer are More Active During Full Moon Nights

  • One common belief is that deer are more active during nights with a full moon. The rationale behind this is that the increased illumination makes it easier for deer to feed and move around at night. However, scientific research on this topic has yielded mixed results.

  • While some studies suggest that deer may indeed be more active during full moon nights, others have found no significant correlation between lunar phases and deer activity. Factors such as weather conditions, food availability, and hunting pressure likely play a more significant role in deer movement than the phase of the moon.

  • Fact: Full Moon Nights Can Affect Deer Behavior

  • While the extent of the impact may be debated, there is evidence to suggest that full moon nights can influence deer behavior. Some hunters report observing deer feeding more actively during moonlit nights, while others claim that deer may become more cautious and less likely to move during bright moonlight.

  • Additionally, the brightness of the moon can affect a hunter's ability to remain concealed while stalking or waiting in a stand. Deer may be more alert and wary under the illumination of a full moon, making it challenging to approach them undetected.

  • Myth: Full Moon Nights Guarantee Hunting Success

  • Contrary to popular belief, hunting during a full moon does not guarantee success. While there may be instances where deer are more active or easier to spot during moonlit nights, hunting success ultimately depends on a variety of factors, including scouting, knowledge of deer behavior, and skill as a hunter.

  • Experienced hunters understand that there are no shortcuts to success in the field. While hunting during a full moon may present opportunities, it is no substitute for careful planning, patience, and perseverance.

  • In conclusion, the relationship between hunting whitetail deer and the full moon is complex and multifaceted. While some hunters swear by the benefits of hunting under the full moon, others remain skeptical of its influence on deer behavior. Ultimately, successful hunting requires a combination of skill, knowledge, and experience, regardless of lunar phases.

  • At Find A Hunt, we understand the importance of being well-prepared for your hunting adventures. Whether you're planning to hunt during a full moon or any other time of the month, we can help you find the perfect outfitter to suit your needs. Visit to explore our listings of hunting outfitters across America and start planning your next hunting trip today.

  • Visit Find A Hunt to explore hunting outfitters across America and plan your next adventure!