Blog / Hunting with Suppressors: Pros, Cons, and Legality

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, November 28, 2023

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Hunting has been a cherished outdoor tradition for centuries, providing both sustenance and recreation for countless individuals. With advancements in firearm technology, hunters now have the option to use suppressors, also known as silencers, to reduce the noise generated by their firearms. In this article, we will delve into the pros and cons of hunting with suppressors, as well as the legality surrounding their use. "Find A Hunt," your trusted source for all things hunting, is here to provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision.

Pros of Hunting with Suppressors

Noise Reduction:

The primary advantage of using a suppressor while hunting is noise reduction. The loud report of a gunshot can be disturbing to both hunters and wildlife. Suppressors mitigate this issue by reducing the noise generated when a round is fired, making for a quieter hunting experience. This can be particularly useful when hunting in areas with noise restrictions or near residential neighborhoods.

Improved Hearing Protection:

Without a doubt, exposure to loud gunshots can damage your hearing over time. Suppressors can help protect your ears by reducing the decibel levels generated during each shot. This can be especially beneficial for hunters who spend long hours in the field.

Reduced Recoil:

Suppressors can also contribute to reduced recoil, making it easier for hunters to maintain accuracy, especially during follow-up shots. A reduction in recoil can be particularly advantageous for hunters using high-powered rifles or those who are less experienced with firearms.

Enhanced Accuracy:

The reduction in recoil and noise can lead to improved accuracy, allowing hunters to take more precise shots. This can be crucial when targeting game that requires precision, such as varmint hunting or long-range shooting.

Cons of Hunting with Suppressors

Increased Weight and Length:

Suppressors add weight and length to a firearm, potentially affecting its balance and maneuverability. Hunters need to consider whether the benefits of reduced noise and recoil outweigh the added bulk and weight.


Quality suppressors can be expensive, and they require additional expenses for tax stamps and paperwork. Hunters must weigh the cost of acquiring a suppressor against the benefits it offers.

Legal Restrictions:

The legality of hunting with suppressors varies by state and country. Some places have strict regulations, while others allow their use with certain restrictions or no restrictions at all. Hunters should be aware of the laws in their area before using a suppressor.

Legality of Hunting with Suppressors

The legality of hunting with suppressors, as mentioned earlier, varies widely. In the United States, for example, suppressor regulations are determined at the state level. Some states allow unrestricted use, while others heavily regulate or ban them entirely. It is essential to research and comply with your state's specific laws regarding suppressor use. Additionally, hunters should consider the federal regulations governing suppressor ownership and complete the necessary paperwork, including obtaining a tax stamp, to legally possess and use suppressors.

Hunting with suppressors can offer several advantages, including noise reduction, hearing protection, reduced recoil, and enhanced accuracy. However, there are also downsides to consider, such as added weight and length, cost, and legal restrictions. "Find A Hunt" encourages hunters to weigh the pros and cons carefully and, most importantly, to adhere to the laws and regulations governing suppressor use in their area. By making an informed decision, you can enjoy a safer and more enjoyable hunting experience.