South Africa Hunts - Baboon, Barbary Sheep, Impala, Wildebeest, Blesbok, Duiker, Bontebok, Hyena, Buffalo, Zebra, Bush Pig, Bushbok, Cape Eland, Caracal, Civet Cat, Crocodile, Elephant, Fallow, Gemsbok, Genet Cat, Giraffe, Hippo, Honey Badger, Jackal, Springbok, Klipspringer, Kudu, Leopard, Lion, Redbuck, Nyala, Ostrich, Hartebeest, Red Lechwe, Redbuck, Roan, Sable, Oryx, Steenbok, Tessebe, Reedbok, Monkey, Warthog, Waterbuck

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WN Hunting Safaris

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WN Hunting Safaris is based in the beautiful open planes of the Free State, South Africa, and is a registered company focused on providing a professional, reliable, and dedicated hunting service to our clients.

Our Safaris

Our team at WN Hunting Safaris has a deep love for hunting and nature that was developed at a young age, and we’re passionate about creating a remarkable hunting experience to make your safari truly unforgettable. They offer a wide variety of plains game, dangerous game, and bird hunting, and have different camps and lodges in various areas of South Africa, ranging from comfortable to luxurious accommodations located in the Free State, North West to Limpopo.


Hunting safaris are a popular adventure for wildlife enthusiasts who seek to experience the thrill of the hunt while exploring new and exotic destinations, particularly in South Africa. These safaris offer a range of packages, each tailored to suit different preferences and budgets. For those looking for a challenging hunt, the Lion package offers the opportunity to hunt one male lion, with the option to add an extra hunter or observer, as well as a lioness. Alternatively, the All-Inclusive package provides a 10-day safari with an impressive variety of game, including a red lechwe, zebra, sheep, kudu, gemsbuck, warthog, steenbuck, and opportunities to add an observer or an additional hunter. Additional packages are also available, offering a range of game and accommodation options to suit every hunter’s needs.




Types of Game

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