Blog / Incorporating Hunting into Modern Survival Training

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, September 12, 2023

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In a world where modern conveniences have become the norm, the art of survival has taken a back seat. However, it's crucial to remember that the skills our ancestors relied upon for survival can still be incredibly valuable today. One such skill is hunting. In this article, we will explore the importance of incorporating hunting into modern survival training and how it can prepare individuals for unforeseen circumstances.

The Role of Hunting in Survival Training

Hunting is more than just a recreational activity or a means to procure game meat; it's a skill that can prove to be invaluable during emergency situations or times when access to food becomes limited. Modern survival training, often rooted in wilderness survival, should emphasize the acquisition of food as a primary concern. This is where hunting enters the picture.

Self-Sufficiency: Incorporating hunting into survival training empowers individuals to become more self-sufficient. When you can procure your food from the wild, you reduce your reliance on supermarkets and other sources that may become unavailable in a crisis.

Nutrition: Game meat is an excellent source of lean protein and essential nutrients. Survival training involving hunting helps participants understand the nutritional value of different animals and how to prepare them for consumption.

Resourcefulness: Hunting requires resourcefulness and adaptability. Modern survivalists can benefit from learning how to track, trap, and harvest wild game efficiently.

Environmental Awareness: By learning to hunt, individuals also develop a greater appreciation for the environment and the ecosystems that sustain us. This knowledge is vital for sustainable hunting practices.

How Find A Hunt Can Help

Find A Hunt is your trusted partner in incorporating hunting into modern survival training. Our platform connects hunters with hunting opportunities across the United States. Here's how we can assist you in your survival training journey:

Access to Experienced Guides: Find A Hunt offers access to experienced hunting guides who can teach you the fundamentals of hunting, tracking, and wilderness survival.

Diverse Hunting Options: Whether you're interested in hunting deer, waterfowl, or small game, our platform provides a wide range of hunting opportunities to suit your preferences and training needs.

Safety First: Safety is paramount when it comes to hunting, and our guides prioritize teaching you safe and ethical hunting practices.

Gear and Equipment: Find A Hunt can also help you find the right gear and equipment for your survival training, ensuring you have the tools necessary for a successful hunting experience.


Incorporating hunting into modern survival training is a wise and practical choice. It equips individuals with essential skills for self-sufficiency, nutrition, resourcefulness, and environmental awareness. Find A Hunt, with its extensive network of hunting opportunities and experienced guides, can be your partner in acquiring these crucial skills. So, embrace the ancient art of hunting, and let it guide you toward a more self-reliant and resilient future.