Blog / Iowa Elk Hunting: How to Pack Out an Elk After a Successful Hunt

By Connor Thomas
Thursday, July 27, 2023

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Title: Iowa Elk Hunting: How to Pack Out an Elk After a Successful Hunt

Introduction (approx. 50 words):

Welcome to Find A Hunt, your go-to source for all things hunting. In this article, we'll explore the exhilarating experience of Iowa elk hunting and guide you on how to efficiently pack out an elk after a successful hunt. Packing out an elk is a crucial skill that ensures you preserve the meat and respect the animal's harvest fully. Let's dive in!

Be Prepared (approx. 100 words):

Before heading out on your Iowa elk hunting adventure, preparation is key. Make sure you have all the necessary equipment to pack out an elk efficiently. This includes a durable and large-capacity hunting backpack, game bags, a sharp hunting knife, a bone saw, paracord or rope, and a reliable GPS device. Familiarize yourself with the area's terrain and potential extraction routes to avoid getting lost during the process. Ensure that your backpack is comfortable to carry, as you might be hauling a significant amount of weight on your way back.

Field Dressing (approx. 100 words):

After a successful hunt, field dressing the elk is the first step in preserving the meat and making it easier to pack out. Begin by placing the elk on its back and making an incision from the sternum to the pelvis. Be cautious while cutting to avoid puncturing the organs. Gently remove the organs, being mindful of the edible parts. Once the field dressing is complete, prop the elk open to allow air circulation, which will help cool down the meat faster.

Quartering the Elk (approx. 100 words):

To make packing out the elk more manageable, it's essential to quarter the animal. Start by removing the legs at the joints (shoulders and hips). Use your hunting knife to separate the front and hindquarters from the body. Then, divide each quarter into smaller, more manageable portions. This process not only lightens the load but also allows for better air circulation around the meat, reducing the risk of spoilage.

Packing Techniques (approx. 100 words):

Proper packing techniques are essential to distribute the weight evenly and prevent strain on your body. Place the quarters in game bags to protect the meat from dirt and debris. Attach the bags securely to your backpack using paracord or rope. Utilize compression straps to keep the load stable and balanced. For larger bulls, consider using a frame pack to carry the meat more comfortably. Remember to keep the antlers and hide away from the meat to avoid contamination.

Conclusion (approx. 50 words):

Congratulations! You've successfully hunted an elk in Iowa, and now you know how to pack out the meat efficiently and responsibly. At Find A Hunt, we encourage ethical hunting practices and emphasize the importance of respecting the environment and the animals we pursue. Happy hunting and enjoy the reward of your efforts in the form of delicious, sustainable elk meat.