Blog / Kentucky Whitetail: Strategies for the Late Season.

By Connor Thomas
Monday, September 18, 2023

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  • Kentucky Whitetail: Strategies for the Late Season

  • As the late season for Kentucky whitetail hunting approaches, avid hunters are gearing up for one final opportunity to bag that trophy buck. Late-season hunting poses unique challenges and opportunities compared to earlier in the year. To make the most of your late-season Kentucky whitetail hunt, consider these strategies provided by Find A Hunt.

  • 1. Scouting Matters

  • Scouting is vital during the late season. Deer patterns can change significantly as the temperatures drop and food sources dwindle. Start by identifying late-season food sources, such as standing crops, acorns, and browse areas. Use trail cameras to monitor deer movement and patterns. This information will help you pinpoint the best locations for your hunt.

  • 2. Focus on Food Sources

  • Late-season whitetails are primarily driven by their need for food. With winter approaching, deer are eager to pack on the pounds. Targeting food sources like soybean fields, cornfields, and oak stands can lead you to deer during the late season. Pay attention to feeding times, which tend to occur late in the afternoon and early in the evening.

  • 3. Be Mindful of Weather

  • Late-season hunting in Kentucky can be challenging due to the cold weather. Dressing appropriately is essential. Layer your clothing to stay warm and comfortable, and don't forget about your extremities. Warm gloves and a hat can make a big difference during those frigid mornings in the stand. Additionally, consider how weather patterns might affect deer movement. Cold fronts often trigger increased deer activity.

  • 4. Optimize Your Gear

  • The late season often means dense cover due to fallen leaves, making visibility more challenging. Make sure your optics are clean and in top condition. Consider using binoculars to scan for deer in the distance, and a rangefinder to judge distances accurately. If legal in your hunting area, a scope with illuminated reticles can be a game-changer in low-light conditions.

  • 5. Stay Quiet and Patient

  • Late-season whitetails tend to be more cautious. They have been pressured throughout the earlier part of the hunting season. This means you should be extra quiet and patient in your approach. Avoid noisy movements in the stand or ground blind. Use scent control products to minimize your odor, and try to remain still for extended periods. A patient hunter is more likely to be rewarded with a late-season buck.

  • 6. Consider Hunting Mid-Day

  • While deer activity tends to peak during the early morning and late evening, don't discount mid-day hunting during the late season. As temperatures drop, deer may become more active during daylight hours, especially if they are on a strict feeding schedule. Take advantage of this by staying in your stand throughout the day, and be prepared for an unexpected opportunity.

  • 7. Utilize Decoys and Calls

  • Late-season deer hunting can benefit from the use of decoys and calls. Bucks that are still looking for a mate may be lured in by the sight of a decoy. Additionally, using grunt calls or rattling antlers can mimic the sounds of other bucks, potentially piquing the curiosity of nearby deer.

  • In conclusion, late-season Kentucky whitetail hunting offers a unique set of challenges and rewards. By scouting, focusing on food sources, adapting to the weather, optimizing your gear, staying quiet and patient, hunting mid-day, and utilizing decoys and calls, you can increase your chances of a successful late-season hunt. Remember, Find A Hunt is here to help you plan your late-season Kentucky whitetail adventure, so make the most of it and enjoy the thrill of the hunt!