Blog / Long-distance shooting techniques for hunting

By Connor Thomas
Wednesday, May 17, 2023

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Techniques for Long-Range Shooting in Hunting


Hunting is an ancient activity that demands skill, precision, and knowledge. For many hunters, the ability to execute accurate long-range shots is a valuable asset. Whether targeting elusive game or seeking a competitive advantage, mastering techniques for long-range shooting can significantly enhance hunting success. In this article, we will explore various approaches and considerations to improve long-range shooting abilities.

Equipment Selection:

When it comes to long-range shooting, having the appropriate gear is crucial. Here are a few key considerations:

a. Firearms: Opt for a rifle that provides accuracy, power, and stability over long distances. Bolt-action rifles are favored for their inherent precision, while larger calibers deliver ample power for long-range shots.

b. Optics: Invest in high-quality scopes that offer clear magnification, adjustable turrets for elevation and windage, and adequate light transmission for low-light conditions.

c. Ammunition: Choose ammunition specifically designed for long-range shooting. Opt for match-grade bullets with high ballistic coefficients, as they retain velocity and resist wind drift effectively.

Understanding Ballistics:

To execute precise long-range shots, understanding ballistics is essential. Here are a few key concepts:

a. Trajectory: A bullet's trajectory is influenced by factors such as muzzle velocity, bullet weight, and atmospheric conditions. Familiarize yourself with the trajectory of your chosen ammunition to make accurate calculations.

b. Windage: Wind can significantly impact the bullet's path. Learn to estimate wind speed, direction, and adjust your aim accordingly. Wind meters or wind flags can aid in assessing wind conditions.

c. Bullet Drop and Holdover: As the bullet travels, gravity causes it to drop. Account for bullet drop by adjusting your aim or utilizing holdover marks on your scope.

Range Estimation:

Accurately estimating the range to your target is vital for long-range shooting. Here are a few methods to enhance your range estimation skills:

a. Rangefinders: Utilize laser rangefinders to precisely measure distances. Practice using them in various terrains and conditions to develop a keen sense of distance.

b. Visual References: Learn to utilize natural or man-made landmarks, such as trees, rocks, or known object sizes, to estimate distances. Regular practice in different environments will improve your proficiency.

c. Reticle Subtensions: Many modern scopes have reticles with subtensions that allow you to estimate range based on target size. Learn to employ these subtensions effectively.

Shooting Techniques:

Executing the shot with precision is the final step in long-range shooting. Consider the following techniques:

a. Proper Shooting Position: Develop a stable shooting position, such as prone, sitting, or using a bipod or shooting sticks. A solid foundation enhances accuracy and minimizes fatigue.

b. Breath Control: Learn to control your breathing and take the shot during a natural respiratory pause to minimize movement and maintain stability.

c. Trigger Control: Practice smooth and consistent trigger control to avoid abrupt movements or flinching, which can disrupt your aim.

d. Follow-Through: Maintain focus and body position after the shot to ensure you retain control and evaluate the result.


Mastering techniques for long-range shooting can elevate your hunting skills and increase your chances of success. Remember, becoming proficient in long-range shooting requires practice, patience, and continuous learning. By selecting appropriate equipment, understanding ballistics, improving range estimation skills, and refining your shooting techniques, you can enhance your hunting experience and achieve more consistent results. So, equip yourself, practice regularly, and embrace the challenge of long-range shooting for a rewarding and successful hunting journey.