Blog / Massachusetts Turkey Hunting: Decoding Turkey Calls and Signals

By Connor Thomas
Thursday, July 27, 2023

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Title: Massachusetts Turkey Hunting: Decoding Turkey Calls and Signals


Welcome to Find A Hunt, your ultimate resource for all things hunting! In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of Massachusetts turkey hunting, focusing on understanding turkey calls and signals. As any seasoned hunter knows, communicating effectively with your quarry is crucial for a successful hunt. So, let's explore the various turkey calls and signals and decode the language of these elusive birds.

The Language of Gobbles

Gobbling is the most distinctive and recognizable call of male turkeys, known as toms or gobblers. They produce this sound by forcing air through their throat and vocalizing it with their specialized syrinx. Gobbling serves multiple purposes:

Attracting Hens: During the spring breeding season, gobbling is primarily used to attract hens. Toms showcase their vitality and dominance to entice hens for mating.

Asserting Dominance: Gobbling is also a way for toms to establish dominance among other males, preventing potential rivals from encroaching on their territory.

Clucks and Purrs

Clucking and purring are softer and more subtle sounds compared to gobbling. Turkeys produce these calls by quickly inhaling and exhaling, creating gentle, rhythmic sounds. Understanding these calls is essential for luring turkeys closer:

Contentment: Hens often cluck and purr to signify contentment while feeding. Replicating these sounds can attract turkeys who feel safe and at ease.

Reassurance: When a tom approaches a hen, he may cluck and purr to reassure her of his presence and intentions.

Cutting and Yelping

Cutting and yelping are dynamic turkey calls used by both hens and gobblers. These calls are louder and carry over longer distances:

Excitement: Cutting is a series of fast, irregular clucks produced by hens when they are excited or agitated. It can indicate their interest in a potential mate or an impending threat.

Locating: Yelping is a versatile call used by both genders. Hens yelp to gather their scattered poults, while toms yelp to announce their presence and attract hens.

The Importance of Silence

While understanding turkey calls is essential, knowing when to remain silent is equally crucial. Turkeys have excellent hearing and can detect even the slightest noises. Too much calling or unnecessary movement can scare them away. Use calls sparingly, and allow the natural sounds of the environment to set the stage for your hunt.

Mastering the Art of Decoying

Incorporating decoys into your hunting strategy can enhance your chances of success. Decoys mimic turkeys' appearance, attracting them to your setup. Use a combination of hen and gobbler decoys to create a realistic scene that will pique the curiosity of passing turkeys.

Safety Precautions

Before heading out for a Massachusetts turkey hunt, ensure you are well-prepared and follow all safety guidelines:

Obtain the necessary licenses and permits as required by state regulations.

Dress appropriately in full camouflage to remain concealed from the keen eyesight of turkeys.

Always maintain a safe distance from other hunters and avoid wearing colors commonly found on turkeys (red, blue, or white).


Understanding turkey calls and signals is a valuable skill for any Massachusetts turkey hunter. Gobbling, clucking, yelping, and purring are all part of the intricate language that turkeys use to communicate. By decoding and mastering these calls, you increase your chances of a successful hunt. Remember to stay patient, remain safe, and let Find A Hunt be your go-to resource for all your hunting adventures! Happy hunting!