Blog / Mississippi's Deer: Tactics for the Rut.

By Connor Thomas
Friday, September 15, 2023

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  • Mississippi's Deer: Tactics for the Rut

  • The heart of Mississippi's deer hunting season is undoubtedly the rut, a period of intense deer activity when bucks are on the move, chasing does, and making themselves more visible to hunters. As avid hunters know, success during the rut requires a combination of skill, knowledge, and strategy. In this article, we'll explore some essential tactics to maximize your chances of a successful hunt during Mississippi's rut.

  • Understanding the Rut

  • The rut is the peak breeding season for deer, typically occurring in Mississippi from late November to early December. During this time, bucks become more active, restless, and less cautious as they seek out does for mating. This heightened activity can be a boon for hunters, but it's essential to understand the rut's stages to make the most of it.

  • Pre-Rut (Late October to Early November): During this phase, bucks begin marking their territory and may spar with other bucks to establish dominance. Scouting for scrapes, rubs, and active deer movement patterns is crucial during this period.

  • Seeking Phase (Late November to Early December): Bucks are actively searching for does in estrus. This is a prime time for rattling and grunt calling to attract bucks into your hunting area.

  • Chasing Phase (Late November to Early December): As does enter estrus, bucks become more aggressive in their pursuit. Look for areas with fresh deer tracks and signs of recent chases.

  • Post-Rut (Late December to Early January): The rut's intensity wanes as most does become pregnant. Bucks may still be active, but they become more cautious. Focus on food sources during this period.

  • Scouting and Stand Placement

  • Successful rut hunting in Mississippi begins with thorough scouting. Look for signs of deer activity such as rubs, scrapes, tracks, and droppings. Trail cameras can be invaluable for capturing images of bucks and does in your hunting area, allowing you to pattern their movements.

  • When it comes to stand placement during the rut, flexibility is key. Bucks may change their routes frequently while seeking does, so it's essential to have multiple stand locations to adapt to changing deer behavior. Consider setting up near well-used travel corridors, bedding areas, or food sources that does frequent.

  • Use of Calls and Scents

  • During the rut, calling and scent tactics can be highly effective. Rattling antlers and grunt calls can simulate the sounds of bucks sparring or seeking does, drawing curious bucks into your area. It's essential to practice these calls to sound natural and convincing.

  • Scent lures, such as doe estrus or dominant buck urine, can also be helpful in attracting bucks. Place scent wicks or drag rags soaked in these scents strategically along deer trails or near your stand to create a convincing illusion of a receptive doe nearby.

  • Timing is Everything

  • Understanding the timing of the rut phases is crucial. Being in the woods during the seeking and chasing phases is when bucks are most active and susceptible to calling and scents. Late morning and early afternoon can also be productive times, as bucks may take a break from their pursuits and visit feeding areas.

  • Stay Patient and Safe

  • Lastly, hunting during the rut requires patience. Bucks may not always respond to calls or scents immediately, and it can take time for them to come within range. Remember to hunt safely, use proper tree stand safety equipment, and adhere to all hunting regulations and firearm safety guidelines.

  • In conclusion, the rut is an exciting and productive time for deer hunting in Mississippi. By understanding the rut's phases, scouting effectively, using calls and scents, and being patient, you can increase your chances of a successful hunt. Good luck, and happy hunting from Find A Hunt!