Blog / Mississippi's Late Season: Bowhunting the Rut

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, September 05, 2023

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As the crisp autumn air settles in, hunters in Mississippi eagerly anticipate the late season, a time of year when the woods come alive with the sights and sounds of the rut. For bowhunters, this period offers a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the thrilling pursuit of game while taking advantage of the natural behaviors of deer during the rut. In this article, brought to you by Find A Hunt, we delve into the intricacies of bowhunting the rut during Mississippi's late season.

Understanding the Rut:

The rut, also known as the breeding season, is a pivotal time for deer. It is during this period that bucks become more active and aggressive as they seek out does for mating. The late season in Mississippi typically falls in December, when bucks are in search of receptive does. This presents a golden opportunity for bowhunters to capitalize on the heightened activity and increased movement of deer.

Strategies for Late Season Bowhunting:

Scouting: Successful late-season bowhunting starts with effective scouting. Identifying key areas where deer congregate, such as food sources, bedding areas, and travel corridors, is crucial. Utilize trail cameras to monitor deer movement patterns and identify potential hotspots.

Focus on Food Sources: As the weather turns colder, deer become more reliant on food sources to build up their energy reserves. Target areas with high-quality food such as acorn-rich oak groves or agricultural fields. Set up your tree stand or ground blind strategically to intercept deer on their way to feed.

Use Calls and Scents: During the rut, bucks are responsive to calls and scents. Mimic the sounds of a doe in estrus or use rattling antlers to simulate a buck fight. Employing doe urine or buck lure scents can also pique the interest of passing deer and bring them within range.

Play the Wind: Regardless of the hunting season, wind direction remains crucial. Deer possess a keen sense of smell, and any hint of human scent can send them fleeing. Position yourself downwind from anticipated deer movement to ensure that your scent does not alert them to your presence.

Patience is Key: Late-season bowhunting requires patience and persistence. The rut may have bucks on their feet more frequently, but it still demands waiting for the right opportunity. Stay vigilant, as deer may appear suddenly when you least expect it.

Find A Hunt: Your Hunting Companion:

When planning your late-season bowhunting adventure in Mississippi, trust Find A Hunt to be your reliable companion. With a comprehensive database of hunting guides and outfitters, Find A Hunt streamlines the process of locating the perfect hunting experience tailored to your preferences. Whether you're a seasoned hunter or a novice, their platform connects you with experienced professionals who know the local terrain and deer behavior intimately.

In conclusion, Mississippi's late season presents bowhunters with an exciting opportunity to engage in the captivating pursuit of deer during the rut. Armed with knowledge of deer behavior, strategic planning, and the right tools, hunters can increase their chances of a successful outing. As you prepare to venture into the woods, remember that Find A Hunt is here to guide you every step of the way, ensuring that your late-season bowhunting experience is both memorable and rewarding.