Blog / Missouri's Meramec Highlands: Turkey Hunting Strategies

By Connor Thomas
Thursday, September 21, 2023

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  • Welcome to Find A Hunt, your trusted source for all things hunting. In this article, we will delve into the rich hunting opportunities in Missouri's Meramec Highlands, specifically focusing on effective turkey hunting strategies. The Meramec Highlands region is known for its diverse terrain and abundant wildlife, making it a prime destination for turkey hunters. Whether you're a seasoned hunter or a beginner looking to explore this beautiful landscape, read on to discover valuable tips and tactics for a successful turkey hunt.

  • Understanding the Terrain:

  • Before embarking on your turkey hunting adventure in the Meramec Highlands, it's crucial to familiarize yourself with the terrain. This region boasts a variety of landscapes, from dense forests to rolling hills and open meadows. Gaining an understanding of the land will help you plan your hunting strategy effectively.

  • Scout Your Hunting Ground:

  • Start by scouting the area you intend to hunt. Look for signs of turkey activity such as tracks, droppings, and scratch marks. Pay attention to their roosting and feeding areas. Understanding their daily patterns will give you a significant advantage.

  • Choose the Right Gear:

  • When hunting in the Meramec Highlands, you'll want to be prepared for a variety of conditions. Ensure you have the appropriate camouflage clothing, comfortable boots for traversing different terrains, and a reliable shotgun or bow, depending on your preferred hunting method.

  • Turkey Hunting Tactics:

  • Now that you're well-prepared for your Meramec Highlands turkey hunt, let's explore some effective hunting tactics.

  • Decoy Setup:

  • Using turkey decoys can be highly effective in luring in curious birds. Place your decoys strategically, ideally near your hiding spot. A combination of hen and jake or tom decoys can mimic a natural social setting, increasing your chances of attracting turkeys.

  • Concealment and Calling:

  • Conceal yourself well among the natural surroundings. Use a blind or natural cover like shrubs and trees to hide from the keen eyes of turkeys. Employ a variety of turkey calls, such as box calls, slate calls, or mouth calls, to mimic the sounds of turkeys and draw them closer.

  • Patience is Key:

  • Turkey hunting often requires a great deal of patience. Once you've set up your decoys and concealed yourself, stay still and silent. Turkeys may take their time approaching, so be prepared for a wait.

  • Adapt to the Terrain:

  • Given the diverse landscape of the Meramec Highlands, you may need to adapt your tactics on the fly. Be prepared to move quietly and adjust your position if necessary to get a better shot.

  • Conclusion:

  • Missouri's Meramec Highlands offer excellent turkey hunting opportunities for hunters of all skill levels. By understanding the terrain, scouting effectively, choosing the right gear, and employing the right tactics, you can increase your chances of a successful hunt in this beautiful region. Remember to always hunt responsibly and ethically, respecting both the wildlife and the environment. For more hunting tips and information on hunting opportunities in various locations, visit Find A Hunt, your ultimate resource for all things hunting. Happy hunting!