Blog / Missouri's Teal Season: Tips for Early Waterfowl Hunts

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, September 05, 2023

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As the summer heat begins to wane and the leaves show hints of changing colors, waterfowl hunters in Missouri eagerly anticipate the opening of teal season. The early waterfowl hunting season provides enthusiasts with a unique opportunity to target these fast and agile birds, presenting a thrilling challenge. If you're preparing for Missouri's teal season, our experts at Find A Hunt have compiled a set of invaluable tips to enhance your hunting experience and increase your chances of success.

1. Scout the Perfect Location

The first step to a successful teal hunt is finding the right location. Teals are commonly found in shallow wetlands, ponds, and flooded fields. Scouting potential hunting spots well in advance of the season will give you insights into the birds' preferred habitats and behaviors. Look for signs of teal activity such as feeding areas, flight patterns, and roosting sites. Utilize online resources, maps, and local birdwatchers' insights to identify promising locations.

2. Gear and Equipment

Equipping yourself with the right gear is essential for a successful teal hunt. A shotgun with a quick swing and light loads (such as 20 or 28-gauge shells) is ideal for these small, fast-moving birds. Camouflage clothing that matches the wetland surroundings will help you blend into your environment and avoid spooking the teal. A reliable pair of waterproof waders will keep you comfortable while navigating through waterlogged areas.

3. Calls and Decoys

Teal calls and decoys can significantly enhance your hunting strategy. Teal whistles can mimic the distinct high-pitched calls of these birds, attracting them to your location. Additionally, using a mix of teal decoys, including both drakes and hens, can create a more realistic setup that will entice passing teal to land within shooting range. Properly spacing and arranging your decoys will increase their effectiveness.

4. Timing is Key

Understanding the timing of teal migration and their daily patterns is crucial. Teal season typically occurs in early September, coinciding with the fall migration. These birds are most active during the early morning and late afternoon hours, making these times prime for hunting. Be prepared to set up well before sunrise and stay patient, as teal may be more responsive during these periods.

5. Concealment and Stealth

Teal have sharp eyesight and are easily spooked, so staying concealed is paramount. Use natural cover, such as reeds, cattails, and other vegetation, to break up your outline. Ensure that your hunting blind is well-hidden and positioned to take advantage of prevailing wind directions, as this will influence the birds' approach.

6. Safety First

Safety should always be a top priority when participating in any hunting activity. Before heading out, review firearm safety rules and hunting regulations. Always wear the required hunter orange clothing to ensure your visibility to other hunters. Additionally, inform someone about your hunting plans, including your expected return time and location.


Missouri's teal season offers waterfowl hunters an exciting and challenging experience. By scouting the right location, using appropriate gear, understanding teal behavior, and practicing safety measures, you can enhance your chances of a successful hunt. Whether you're a seasoned waterfowl enthusiast or a newcomer to the sport, following these tips from Find A Hunt will help you make the most of the early waterfowl hunting season in Missouri. Get ready to enjoy the thrill of the hunt and create lasting memories in the great outdoors.