Blog / Moonlit Mysteries: Lunar Influences on Game Movement

By Connor Thomas
Wednesday, October 25, 2023

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When it comes to hunting, understanding the various factors that influence game movement is essential for a successful outing. One often overlooked but intriguing aspect is the influence of the moon on wildlife behavior. In this article, brought to you by "Find A Hunt," we'll delve into the moonlit mysteries and explore how lunar phases can impact the movement of game animals.

The Lunar Phases

The moon goes through a continuous cycle of phases, from new moon to full moon and back again. Each phase can affect the visibility and brightness of the moon, which, in turn, can influence animal behavior.

New Moon:

During the new moon, the moon is not visible in the night sky, making it exceptionally dark. This can cause game animals to be more active, as they feel safer under the cover of darkness. Predators like coyotes and owls may also be more active during this time, taking advantage of the darkness to hunt.

First Quarter and Waxing Gibbous:

As the moon progresses through its phases, it becomes more visible in the night sky. During these phases, game animals may become less active compared to the new moon, but they are still active enough to be successfully hunted. This is a great time for hunters to be out in the field.

Full Moon:

The full moon is often considered a challenging time for hunting. The moon's brightness can make game animals more cautious, and they may move less during the night, reducing hunting opportunities. However, some game species, such as hogs, are known to be more active during a full moon.

Third Quarter and Waning Gibbous:

As the moon begins to wane, it becomes less bright in the night sky. This can encourage game animals to become more active again, making it an excellent time for hunting.

Understanding the Influence

While lunar phases can have an impact on game movement, it's crucial to remember that other factors play a significant role. Weather conditions, temperature, food availability, and human activity can all influence how and when game animals move.

Tips for Hunting During Different Lunar Phases

New Moon:

Focus on areas with minimal light pollution.

Use night vision or thermal optics for improved visibility.

Be patient and wait for game animals to become active during the darkness.

Full Moon:

Hunt strategically during dawn and dusk when animals are more likely to be active.

Be extra cautious and stealthy, as animals may be more wary due to the moonlight.

Waxing and Waning Phases:

These phases offer more favorable conditions for hunting.

Plan your hunting trips during these times for the best chances of success.

While the moon's influence on game movement is a fascinating aspect of hunting, it's just one piece of the puzzle. Successful hunting requires a combination of knowledge, skill, and the right tools. At "Find A Hunt," we're dedicated to helping hunters like you maximize your hunting experiences by providing valuable information and resources. Remember that understanding lunar phases is a valuable addition to your hunting knowledge, but it should be considered alongside other crucial factors for a successful hunt.