Blog / Moose hunting in Alaska: Comprehensive tips and tricks

By Connor Thomas
Wednesday, June 14, 2023

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Title: Moose Hunting in Alaska: Comprehensive Tips and Tricks


Alaska, known as the Last Frontier, offers some of the most thrilling and rewarding hunting experiences in the world. Among its abundant wildlife, the majestic moose stands out as one of the most sought-after game animals. If you're planning a moose hunting adventure in Alaska, this comprehensive guide will provide you with valuable tips and tricks to enhance your success. Brought to you by Find A Hunt, your trusted source for unforgettable hunting experiences.

Research and Planning:

Before embarking on your moose hunting expedition, thorough research and careful planning are essential. Start by studying the specific moose hunting regulations and seasons in Alaska. Familiarize yourself with the geographic areas known for high moose populations and successful hunts. Utilize online resources, consult with local experts, and consider hiring a reputable hunting guide to maximize your chances of success.

Gear and Equipment:

Equipping yourself with the right gear is crucial for a successful moose hunt. Make sure to pack the following essentials:

a. Firearms: Choose a reliable rifle with sufficient stopping power and accuracy for large game hunting. A caliber of .30-06 or higher is recommended.

b. Optics: Invest in high-quality binoculars and a reliable scope for spotting and targeting moose from a distance.

c. Clothing: Pack durable, layered clothing suitable for Alaska's unpredictable weather conditions. Don't forget quality rain gear, warm insulation, and comfortable, waterproof boots.

d. Survival Gear: Carry a well-equipped survival kit, including a GPS, compass, first aid supplies, water filter, and emergency shelter.

Scout Your Hunting Area:

Scouting your hunting area before the season is essential to familiarize yourself with the terrain and locate potential moose habitats. Look for signs such as fresh tracks, droppings, rubs on trees, and wallows. Identify feeding areas, water sources, and natural funnels that can guide moose movement patterns. This knowledge will significantly increase your chances of encountering moose during the hunt.

Master Calling Techniques:

Moose are highly vocal animals, making calling an effective hunting strategy. Learn and practice various moose calls, including cow calls, calf calls, and bull grunts. Use them strategically to mimic natural moose sounds and attract potential targets. Remember to be patient and persistent, as it may take time for moose to respond to your calls.

Use Scent Control:

Moose have a keen sense of smell, and avoiding detection is crucial for a successful hunt. Minimize your scent by using scent-eliminating products, washing your hunting gear with odor-neutralizing detergents, and storing them in scent-free bags. Additionally, avoid strong-smelling personal care products and be mindful of wind direction to prevent moose from catching your scent.

Safety Precautions:

Alaska's wilderness can be challenging and unforgiving, so prioritize safety throughout your hunting expedition. Always inform someone about your hunting plans and expected return time. Carry essential safety equipment such as a satellite phone, GPS, map, and compass. Stay prepared for unexpected weather changes and wildlife encounters, including bear safety measures.


Moose hunting in Alaska offers a thrilling adventure for passionate hunters. By conducting thorough research, acquiring the right gear, scouting your hunting area, mastering calling techniques, using scent control, and prioritizing safety, you'll increase your chances of a successful and memorable moose hunting experience. Trust Find A Hunt to help you plan and organize your dream moose hunting expedition in Alaska, ensuring a lifetime of unforgettable memories in the Last Frontier.