Blog / Moose hunting in Vermont: Tips and technique

By Connor Thomas
Monday, June 05, 2023

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Moose Hunting in Vermont: Tips and Techniques

Vermont, with its picturesque landscapes and abundant wildlife, is a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts. Among the many outdoor activities the state has to offer, moose hunting stands out as a thrilling and challenging pursuit. With its dense forests and thriving moose population, Vermont provides an ideal setting for hunters seeking the ultimate adventure. If you're considering moose hunting in Vermont, here are some tips and techniques to enhance your experience and increase your chances of success.

Research and Preparation:

Before embarking on a moose hunting trip, it's essential to familiarize yourself with Vermont's hunting regulations and seasons. The Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department is an excellent resource for obtaining the necessary permits and understanding the specific rules and restrictions. Additionally, studying the biology and behavior of moose will give you insights into their habitats, feeding patterns, and rutting seasons.

Scout the Area:

Scouting the hunting area is crucial for a successful moose hunt. Vermont's vast forests can be challenging to navigate, so it's essential to spend time beforehand exploring the terrain, identifying moose tracks, and locating prime feeding and bedding areas. Moose are typically found near bodies of water, so focus your efforts around marshes, lakes, and rivers.

Seek Permission:

In Vermont, much of the land is privately owned, so obtaining permission from landowners is vital. Establishing positive relationships with local landowners not only grants you access to prime hunting spots but also promotes responsible and ethical hunting practices.

Master Calling Techniques:

Moose are highly vocal animals, especially during the rutting season. Learning and mastering moose calling techniques can significantly increase your chances of luring in a bull. Various moose calls, such as cow calls, calf calls, and bull grunts, can mimic different vocalizations and attract moose. Practice these calls before your hunt to ensure you can create realistic and convincing sounds.

Optimize Your Gear:

Choosing the right gear is crucial for a successful moose hunt. Invest in a reliable and accurate rifle chambered for large game hunting. Optics, such as high-quality binoculars and spotting scopes, will help you scout for moose from a distance. Additionally, be sure to pack essential hunting gear such as appropriate clothing, a reliable knife, a field dressing kit, and a sturdy backpack for carrying your equipment and harvested game.

Learn Tracking Skills:

Tracking skills are invaluable when hunting moose. Become proficient in reading tracks, identifying rubs and scrapes, and interpreting other signs of moose activity. By understanding the behavior and movement patterns of moose, you can anticipate their whereabouts and increase your chances of locating them.

Stay Stealthy:

Moose have excellent hearing and a keen sense of smell, making stealth a crucial aspect of moose hunting. Move slowly and quietly through the woods, taking care not to snap twigs or make unnecessary noise. Using natural cover and camouflage clothing will help you blend into the surroundings and avoid detection.

Practice Patience:

Patience is key when hunting moose. Unlike other game species, moose are known for their cautious and elusive nature. Be prepared to spend long hours in the field, patiently waiting for the perfect opportunity. Avoid rushing shots or taking unnecessary risks that could jeopardize your safety or the success of your hunt.

Ethical Harvesting:

When you finally encounter a moose and take the shot, it's essential to ensure an ethical and clean harvest. Make sure you have a clear line of sight, aim for vital organs, and be prepared for follow-up shots if necessary. Practice responsible game management by adhering to bag limits and regulations, and always prioritize the fair chase principle.

Enjoy the Experience:

Moose hunting in