Blog / Mountain lion hunting in California: Essential tips

By Connor Thomas
Friday, June 16, 2023

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Welcome to Find A Hunt, your ultimate resource for hunting enthusiasts. In this article, we will explore the thrilling adventure of mountain lion hunting in California. Known for its diverse terrain and abundant wildlife, California offers an exceptional hunting experience for those seeking the challenge of pursuing the elusive mountain lion. To ensure a successful and ethical hunt, it is crucial to be well-prepared and informed. Read on to discover essential tips for mountain lion hunting in California.

Know the Regulations:

Before embarking on a mountain lion hunt, familiarize yourself with the hunting regulations set by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. These regulations outline important details such as hunting seasons, quotas, license requirements, and specific guidelines for pursuing mountain lions. Adhering to these regulations will help ensure a responsible and sustainable hunting experience.

Seek Professional Guidance:

For novice hunters or those unfamiliar with the terrain, it is highly recommended to hire a professional guide or outfitter. They possess valuable knowledge of the area, understand mountain lion behavior, and can provide guidance throughout the hunt. Their expertise will increase your chances of a successful hunt while prioritizing safety.

Study Mountain Lion Behavior:

Gaining insight into the behavior and habits of mountain lions is crucial for planning an effective hunt. Learn about their preferred habitat, feeding patterns, and typical movements. Understanding their behavior will help you identify tracks, scat, and other signs of their presence, increasing your chances of locating and pursuing them successfully.

Gear and Equipment:

Invest in appropriate gear and equipment to enhance your hunting experience. Some essential items include a reliable firearm with appropriate ammunition, a good quality hunting knife, binoculars for scouting and identifying tracks, a sturdy backpack for carrying supplies, and suitable clothing and footwear for various weather conditions.

Scouting and Locating Mountain Lions:

Scouting the hunting area before the actual hunt is essential. Look for signs of mountain lion activity such as tracks, claw marks on trees, or partially consumed carcasses. Additionally, setting up trail cameras can provide valuable insights into their movement patterns and preferred areas. Once you have identified their territory, plan your hunt accordingly.

Hunting Techniques:

There are two primary hunting techniques for mountain lions: spot-and-stalk and calling. Spot-and-stalk involves glassing for mountain lions from vantage points and then pursuing them on foot. Calling, on the other hand, imitates the distress sounds of prey to attract a mountain lion within range. Understanding both techniques and employing them strategically will increase your chances of a successful hunt.

Safety First:

Mountain lion hunting requires utmost caution and respect for the environment. Always prioritize safety by informing others about your hunting plans, carrying essential safety equipment, and maintaining constant awareness of your surroundings. Be familiar with local guidelines for encountering wildlife and know how to respond in the event of an encounter with a mountain lion.


Mountain lion hunting in California offers a thrilling adventure for avid hunters. By following the essential tips mentioned in this article, you can enhance your hunting experience while ensuring the responsible and ethical pursuit of this majestic predator. Remember to stay informed, prepare adequately, and prioritize safety at all times. Now, gear up and embark on your exhilarating mountain lion hunting journey in the beautiful wilderness of California!

Disclaimer: Hunting regulations and guidelines may change over time. Please refer to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife for the most up-to-date information before planning your hunt.