Blog / Musk ox hunting

By Connor Thomas
Monday, March 27, 2023

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Musk Ox Hunting: A Guide to a Thrilling Expedition

Musk oxen, the elusive and challenging prey that they are, can be found in some of the most remote and rugged areas of the world. These majestic creatures, with their thick fur and massive size, make for an intimidating quarry, but for those with a passion for adventure and a love of the outdoors, musk ox hunting can be an incredibly rewarding experience.

Find A Hunt specializes in connecting hunters with the best musk ox hunting opportunities around the globe, whether you're a seasoned hunter or a neophyte looking for an unforgettable adventure.

Where to Track Down Musk Ox

Musk oxen, primarily found in the Arctic regions of North America and Greenland, as well as parts of Russia, offer the challenge of the wild in the hunt for the perfect kill. The largest populations of musk oxen can be found in Canada's Arctic regions, particularly on Victoria Island and the mainland area of Nunavut.

Greenland, a popular destination for musk ox hunting, houses large populations found on the western coast of the island. In Russia, these beasts are found in the Chukotka region of the Far East, near the Bering Strait.

The Ideal Time to Hunt Musk Ox

The winter months from December through March offer the best opportunity for musk ox hunting, as the animals' thick fur is at its prime, making them prime for harvesting a trophy animal. However, the weather conditions in the winter months can be harsh, with temperatures well below freezing and long periods of darkness. It's important to come prepared with appropriate clothing and equipment.

Musk Ox Hunting Techniques

Hunting musk oxen requires a combination of skill and patience, given that these animals are incredibly alert and can detect the slightest movements or sounds. Stalking them can be a challenge, and hunters must be highly experienced.

One of the most common hunting techniques is to use a snowmobile or dog sled to cover ground quickly and locate a herd of musk oxen. From there, hunters will typically approach on foot, using the terrain and wind direction to their advantage.

Another technique is to set up a blind near a known musk oxen habitat and wait for the animals to come to you. This requires a great deal of patience and the ability to remain still and quiet for long periods of time.

Harvesting a musk ox requires skill and strength, regardless of the hunting technique. Musk oxen are large animals, making it essential to be prepared for a challenging and physically demanding experience.


In conclusion, musk ox hunting offers an exhilarating and unforgettable experience that demands skill, patience, and a love for the outdoors. At Find A Hunt, our team of experts can help connect you with the best musk ox hunting opportunities around the world, providing you with the chance to harvest one of the most magnificent animals on the planet. So, pack your bags and get ready for an expedition you will remember for a lifetime.