Blog / New Hampshire Bear Hunting: Survival Tips When Hunting in the Wilderness

By Connor Thomas
Thursday, July 27, 2023

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Title: New Hampshire Bear Hunting: Survival Tips When Hunting in the Wilderness


Welcome to Find A Hunt, your go-to authority for hunting insights and tips. In this article, we will delve into the thrilling world of New Hampshire bear hunting and discuss essential survival tips when venturing into the wilderness. Hunting bears requires knowledge, preparation, and respect for the natural environment. By following these guidelines, you can enhance your safety and increase the likelihood of a successful and memorable hunting experience.

Know Your Quarry

Before embarking on any hunting expedition, it is crucial to thoroughly familiarize yourself with your target species. In the case of New Hampshire bear hunting, gaining knowledge about bear behavior, feeding patterns, and habitats is essential. Understanding their habits will help you anticipate their movements and improve your chances of locating them.

Obtain Required Permits and Licenses

Ensure you have all the necessary hunting permits and licenses required by the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department. Complying with local regulations is not only a legal obligation but also contributes to wildlife conservation efforts. Responsible hunting practices are vital to maintain a balanced ecosystem.

Choose the Right Firearm and Gear

Selecting the appropriate firearm is critical for bear hunting. Rifles chambered in calibers suitable for large game are recommended. Additionally, invest in quality optics to enhance your accuracy and range. Remember to carry essential hunting gear, such as a hunting knife, GPS device, first-aid kit, and bear-resistant food containers.

Practice Firearm Safety

Safety should always be a top priority during any hunting trip. Familiarize yourself with your firearm and practice shooting regularly before heading into the wilderness. Ensure your firearm is clean, well-maintained, and properly sighted-in. Always adhere to firearm safety rules and keep your weapon pointed in a safe direction.

Hunt with a Partner

New Hampshire bear hunting can be challenging and unpredictable. It is advisable to hunt with a partner for added safety and assistance, especially during emergencies or while tracking a wounded animal. Hunting with a partner also enhances the overall hunting experience, allowing you to share the thrill and excitement of the hunt.

Prepare for the Elements

Wilderness conditions can change rapidly, so come prepared for various weather scenarios. Pack appropriate clothing for rain, wind, or sudden temperature drops. Staying dry and warm is crucial for maintaining your focus and stamina while tracking bears.

Navigation and GPS Usage

Navigating through the wilderness can be tricky, and it's easy to get disoriented. Carry a map and compass and learn how to use them effectively. A GPS device can also be invaluable for marking hunting spots, tracking your route, and finding your way back to camp.

Respect Wildlife and the Environment

As hunters, we have a responsibility to respect the wildlife we pursue and the natural environment we explore. Practice ethical hunting by taking only responsible shots and following the principles of fair chase. Also, ensure you leave no trace of your presence, taking all your garbage and waste with you when leaving the wilderness.


New Hampshire bear hunting provides an unforgettable experience, but it demands adequate preparation and respect for the wilderness and its inhabitants. By knowing your quarry, acquiring the necessary permits, using suitable gear, and practicing firearm safety, you can increase your chances of a successful and safe hunt. Remember to be prepared for changing weather conditions and always hunt ethically, leaving the environment as pristine as you found it. Happy hunting and stay safe out there!

(Note: The article above contains approximately 509 words, providing ample content for your authority website about hunting.)