Blog / New Hampshire Hunting Season

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, February 21, 2023

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New Hampshire is a breathtaking state that boasts its natural and historical richness, attracting hunting aficionados from all over. The state presents a wide variety of hunting opportunities, which makes it an ideal place to hone your hunting skills.

New Hampshire Hunting Season

The hunting season in New Hampshire is brimming with possibilities, but the most commonly hunted species is the whitetail deer. The season for deer hunting runs from September 15 to December 8, providing ample time for hunters to bag that trophy buck they have always been after. Apart from deer, hunting enthusiasts can also target other species like bear (Sept. 1-Nov. 8), moose (October 21-29), and small game animals.

Small Game Hunting

Hunting small game is a thrilling activity, with numerous species that hunters can chase down. Some of the most popular small game animals include squirrels (Sept. 1-Jan. 31), snowshoe hare and rabbit (October 1-March 31), grouse (Oct 1-Dec 31), pheasant (October 1-December 31), and quail (Oct 1-Dec 31).

Hunting small game animals can be an exciting challenge as each species presents unique difficulties that hunters must overcome. For instance, squirrels are known for their agility and speed, which makes them quite challenging to capture. In contrast, rabbits are more manageable to spot, but their small size makes them harder to hit. Grouse, on the other hand, are a popular target because of their eye-catching plumage, while quail and pheasant are known to make delicious meals. With so many options, hunters can pick and choose the animal that best suits their preference and hunting goals.

Big Game Hunting

Hunting big game animals in New Hampshire is an adrenaline-pumping experience that hunting enthusiasts should try. Some of the most popular big game species include moose (October 21-29), white-tailed deer (Oct. 22-23), black bear (Sept. 1-Nov. 8), bobcat (currently closed), and coyote (Oct. 15-March 31). Each of these species presents its unique challenges, which makes the hunting experience even more thrilling.

Moose is the largest big game animal in New Hampshire, weighing up to 1,600 pounds, and are most active during the early morning and evening hours. White-tailed deer, on the other hand, are the most populous big game animals, found in every county, and are most active during dusk and dawn. Black bears are opportunistic feeders and can be found in central and southern parts of the state. Bobcats, although small compared to the other big game animals, are found all over the state and are most active at night. Coyotes are widespread throughout the state, with the eastern part having a higher density.

Final Thoughts

With so many hunting opportunities in New Hampshire, it's important to consider your goals and pick the animal that best suits your preferences. However, it's important to note that bag limits and hunting dates tend to change annually, so it's crucial to stay updated with the state's hunting regulations. Nonetheless, New Hampshire is undoubtedly one of the best hunting destinations that any hunting enthusiast should experience.