Blog / New Jersey's Highlands: Tactics for Black Bear Hunts

By Connor Thomas
Friday, September 22, 2023

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  • New Jersey's Highlands: Tactics for Black Bear Hunts

  • New Jersey's Highlands region is a treasure trove for avid hunters seeking the thrill of a black bear hunt. With its picturesque landscapes, diverse wildlife, and thriving black bear population, this area offers an exceptional hunting experience. If you're planning to embark on a black bear hunt in New Jersey's Highlands, "Find A Hunt" is here to provide you with essential tactics and tips to maximize your chances of a successful and unforgettable hunt.

  • Understanding the Terrain

  • Before venturing into the Highlands, it's crucial to familiarize yourself with the terrain. New Jersey's Highlands are characterized by dense forests, rolling hills, and ample wetlands. Black bears thrive in this environment, making it an ideal location for your hunt.

  • When scouting for a hunting spot, consider the following:

  • Elevated Ground: Look for elevated areas that provide a clear line of sight. This will not only improve your vantage point but also enhance your safety.

  • Food Sources: Black bears are omnivorous and feed on a variety of foods, including berries, acorns, and small mammals. Identify their primary food sources in the area and set up near them.

  • Water Sources: Like all animals, bears need water. Locate natural water sources such as streams or ponds, as these are excellent places to encounter bears.

  • The Right Gear

  • Having the right gear can make all the difference in a successful black bear hunt. Here's what you need to consider:

  • Firearms: Ensure your firearm is appropriate for bear hunting and that you are proficient in its use. Be aware of local hunting regulations and ensure you have the necessary permits.

  • Clothing: Dress in camouflage clothing that blends with the environment. Opt for layers to regulate your body temperature as the day progresses.

  • Optics: Invest in quality binoculars and a scope for your firearm. These will help you spot bears from a distance and make accurate shots.

  • Calls and Scents: Black bears have a keen sense of smell. Using scent attractants or calls can lure them closer. However, use these cautiously, as bears are also wary creatures.

  • Hunt Timing

  • Timing is crucial for a successful black bear hunt. Bears are most active during specific times of the year:

  • Spring: Spring is an excellent time for bear hunting, as bears are actively foraging after a long winter's rest.

  • Fall: In the fall, bears are preparing for hibernation and are eager to feed, making them more predictable in their movements.

  • Dawn and Dusk: Bears are typically most active during the early morning and late evening. Plan your hunt around these times for the best chances of success.

  • Safety First

  • While hunting black bears can be thrilling, it's essential to prioritize safety at all times. Here are some safety guidelines to follow:

  • Know Your Target: Be certain of your target before taking a shot. Misidentification can lead to dangerous situations.

  • Carry Bear Spray: Bear spray is a non-lethal option for deterring a bear if it gets too close.

  • Hunting with a Partner: Whenever possible, hunt with a partner to enhance safety and share the experience.

  • Inform Others: Let someone know your hunting plans, including your expected return time and location.

  • Conclusion

  • New Jersey's Highlands offer a remarkable backdrop for black bear hunting, and with the right tactics, gear, and safety precautions, you can make the most of this incredible experience. "Find A Hunt" is dedicated to helping hunters like you make the most of their adventures. So gear up, head into the Highlands, and embrace the excitement of black bear hunting in one of the East Coast's most picturesque regions.