Blog / New Mexico Predator Hunting: A Guide to Seasons and Bag Limits

By Connor Thomas
Friday, July 21, 2023

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Title: New Mexico Predator Hunting: A Guide to Seasons and Bag Limits


Welcome to Find A Hunt, your ultimate authority on hunting! In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the thrilling world of predator hunting in New Mexico. Known for its diverse landscapes and abundant wildlife, New Mexico offers exceptional opportunities for hunters seeking to test their skills against cunning predators. Join us as we explore the seasons, regulations, and bag limits to ensure a responsible and enjoyable hunting experience.

Understanding Predator Hunting in New Mexico

Predator hunting in New Mexico primarily focuses on two main species: coyotes and bobcats. These elusive predators play a crucial role in the ecosystem, and hunting them helps maintain a balanced wildlife population. It also offers a unique and exciting challenge for hunters of all skill levels.

Seasons and Hunting Regulations

Before embarking on your predator hunting adventure, familiarize yourself with the hunting seasons and regulations in New Mexico. The state's Department of Game and Fish sets specific dates to ensure sustainable hunting practices. Generally, predator hunting seasons align with the animals' breeding and birthing cycles, allowing for responsible management.

For coyotes and bobcats, the hunting season typically starts in November and extends until late February. However, it is crucial to check for updates and any potential changes in regulations from the Department of Game and Fish to stay in compliance.

Bag Limits

Bag limits are set to ensure the preservation of predator populations while also providing ample hunting opportunities. As of my last update in September 2021, the bag limits for New Mexico predator hunting are as follows:

Coyotes: New Mexico does not have a specific bag limit for coyotes. These highly adaptable animals have a substantial population and are actively hunted to manage their numbers and reduce conflicts with livestock.

Bobcats: The bag limit for bobcats is one per hunter per license year. Proper management ensures that this solitary and elusive species continues to thrive in New Mexico's diverse ecosystems.

Tips for Responsible Predator Hunting

Obtain the Appropriate Licenses: Before heading out on your hunting expedition, ensure you have acquired the appropriate licenses and tags from the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. Hunting without the necessary permits is illegal and can result in significant fines and penalties.

Respect Private Property: While predator hunting often takes place on public lands, some areas may be privately owned. Always seek permission from landowners before hunting on their property and adhere to any posted signs or guidelines.

Ethical Hunting Practices: As hunters, it is essential to uphold ethical standards during predator hunts. Make clean and humane shots, and avoid taking unnecessary risks that could result in non-retrievable kills.

Gear and Safety Precautions: Carry the necessary hunting gear, including appropriate firearms or archery equipment, predator calls, and camouflage clothing. Additionally, inform someone of your hunting plans and expected return time for safety purposes.


New Mexico offers an exciting and rewarding predator hunting experience for both novice and seasoned hunters. By understanding the hunting seasons, bag limits, and adhering to responsible hunting practices, you can contribute to the conservation of these magnificent predators while enjoying an unforgettable outdoor adventure. Remember, Find A Hunt is here to equip you with the knowledge and guidance you need to make your predator hunting journey a successful and ethical one. Happy hunting!