Blog / Oregon Hunting Season

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, February 21, 2023

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The optimal time for hunting in Oregon

For countless sports enthusiasts in Oregon, the hunting season is a time of eager anticipation. Hunting, a long-standing tradition in the state, offers a profusion of opportunities to pursue diverse large and small game species. Oregon, with its varied habitats and game species, provides hunters with a plethora of options.

The Big Game Hunt

From elk to deer and bear, Oregon boasts an abundance of large game species, with the hunting season starting in September and continuing until January. It's a perfect time of the year to wander into the wilderness and admire the awe-inspiring beauty of nature.

The Elk Hunt

Elk hunting in Oregon is among the most favored big game hunting activities in the state. With over 200 thousand elk, Oregon is consistently ranked as one of the finest states in the country for elk hunting. Elk hunting season in Oregon kicks off in late September and ends in late November. Hunters must obtain a hunting license and comply with all state regulations.


White-tailed deer hunting is another favored sport for big game hunters in Oregon. Mule deer and black-tailed deer can be found in the state, providing hunters with ample options. The deer hunting season in Oregon begins in late September and continues through the end of November. Hunters must adhere to all hunting regulations enacted by the state.

Bear Hunt

Bear hunting is a favored choice for hunters in Oregon as the state is home to both black bears and grizzly bears. Bear season in Oregon commences in the latter part of August and concludes in the third week of September. Hunters must obtain a hunting license and comply with all hunting regulations.

The Small Game Hunt

Oregon is an idyllic place for hunting both big game and small wildlife, including squirrels, rabbits, and pheasants. The small game hunting season starts in late September and continues until the end of the year in late December.

The Squirrel

Squirrel hunting is one of the most favored forms of small game hunting in Oregon. A variety of squirrel species can be found in the state, providing hunters with a diverse selection of game. Squirrel hunting season in Oregon commences in the second part of September and continues until the last week of December. Anyone wishing to hunt in the United States must obtain the appropriate hunting license and abide by all applicable state regulations.


Rabbits are another favored species to hunt in Oregon for those interested in small game hunting. The state is home to many different species of rabbit, providing hunters with a cornucopia of options. The rabbit hunting season in Oregon starts in late September and continues through December. Hunters must obtain a hunting license and comply with all applicable state regulations.


Pheasant hunting is one of the most popular types of small game hunting in Oregon. Since there are many species of pheasants in the state, game enthusiasts have a plethora of options when planning a hunting trip. Pheasant season in Oregon begins in the second part of September and continues until the latter part of December. Hunters must obtain a hunting license and comply with all applicable state regulations.


Oregon's hunting season is fervently anticipated by countless passionate outdoorsmen and women each year. The state provides hunters with a range of habitats and game species, offering a multitude of opportunities to pursue their passion for hunting. Regardless of whether you're after big game or small, Oregon offers plenty of places to go hunting in its stunningly beautiful state. Hunters must remember to obtain the appropriate hunting license and comply with all applicable state regulations.