Blog / Packing Out Game: Techniques for Carrying Large Harvests

By Connor Thomas
Thursday, November 02, 2023

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Hunting is a thrilling and rewarding outdoor activity that often culminates in the harvest of game animals. However, once you've successfully taken down your target, the real work begins: packing out your game. Whether it's a massive bull elk, a robust whitetail deer, or any other substantial quarry, knowing how to efficiently and safely transport your harvest is crucial. In this article, brought to you by Find A Hunt, we will explore essential techniques for carrying large game and ensuring your hunting expedition ends on a successful note.

Choose the Right Equipment

One of the first steps in effectively packing out game is selecting the appropriate gear. A sturdy backpack with ample storage capacity is essential. Look for one with reinforced stitching and durable zippers to handle the weight and size of your harvest. Additionally, investing in a good quality meat hauling frame or pack specifically designed for game retrieval can make a significant difference in your packing experience.

Field Dress Your Game

Field dressing your game is a vital step to reduce the weight you need to carry and preserve the meat. Proper field dressing involves removing the internal organs, which can account for a significant portion of the animal's weight. Learning how to field dress your game properly is essential to making your load more manageable.

Quarter Your Game

If your harvest is too massive to transport whole, consider quartering it. This involves dividing the animal into manageable sections, typically consisting of the hindquarters, front shoulders, and backstraps. Each section can then be packed separately, making it easier to distribute the weight evenly on your pack.

Utilize a Meat Hauling System

Meat hauling systems, also known as game carts or sleds, are invaluable tools for carrying large game. These systems allow you to transport your harvest with minimal physical strain. They come in various designs, such as wheeled carts, sleds, and backpack-style carriers. Choose the one that best suits your terrain and personal preferences.

Distribute Weight Evenly

Proper weight distribution is crucial for maintaining balance and stability while carrying your harvest. Place the heaviest sections at the center of your pack or meat hauling system to prevent toppling or unmanageable loads. Balancing the weight will make your trek safer and more comfortable.

Use Rope and Straps

Ropes and straps can be indispensable when carrying large game. Secure your load with sturdy ropes or straps to prevent shifting during your journey. This will help maintain your balance and ensure a smoother trip back to camp or your vehicle.

Take Breaks and Stay Hydrated

Hauling a large game animal can be physically demanding. Remember to take regular breaks to rest and rehydrate. Overexertion can lead to exhaustion and injury, so pace yourself and listen to your body.

Successfully packing out your game is an essential skill for any hunter. The techniques mentioned above will help you transport your large harvests efficiently and safely. Remember that preparation, the right equipment, and proper technique are key to a successful hunting expedition. At Find A Hunt, we're dedicated to providing valuable hunting information and resources to hunters like you. Happy hunting, and may your next adventure be filled with successful game retrieval!