Blog / Pennsylvania Coyote Hunting: How to Hunt Coyotes in the Appalachians

By Connor Thomas
Thursday, July 27, 2023

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Title: Pennsylvania Coyote Hunting: How to Hunt Coyotes in the Appalachians


Welcome to Find A Hunt, your ultimate guide to Pennsylvania coyote hunting in the scenic Appalachians. Coyote hunting in this region presents a thrilling and challenging experience for avid hunters. With their elusive nature and sharp instincts, coyotes demand a strategic approach to ensure a successful hunt. In this article, we will delve into essential tips and techniques for hunting coyotes in the Pennsylvania Appalachians.

Understanding the Appalachians and Coyote Habits

The Pennsylvania Appalachians offer diverse landscapes, including dense forests, rolling hills, and open fields, providing an ideal habitat for coyotes. Understanding their habits is crucial for effective hunting. Coyotes are primarily nocturnal animals, but they can be active during the day too. They are opportunistic predators and feed on small mammals, birds, and carrion.

Obtain Proper Licensing and Permits

Before embarking on a coyote hunting adventure in Pennsylvania, ensure you have the necessary hunting license and permits. Complying with state regulations is essential, as it helps maintain a healthy coyote population while safeguarding other wildlife.

Choose the Right Hunting Equipment

Selecting the appropriate hunting equipment greatly influences your chances of success. For coyote hunting, consider the following gear:

a. Firearms: Opt for a reliable and accurate rifle chambered in .223 Remington or .22-250 Remington, among other suitable calibers.

b. Ammunition: Use high-quality ammunition designed for varmint hunting to ensure a humane and ethical kill.

c. Optics: Invest in a good-quality scope with clear optics and variable magnification to improve target acquisition.

d. Predator Calls: Coyotes are highly responsive to distress calls of small prey animals. Carry a range of predator calls like rabbit distress calls to attract them.

e. Camouflage: Blend into the surroundings with appropriate camouflage clothing to avoid detection.

Scout the Area

Before your hunting expedition, spend time scouting the hunting grounds. Look for signs of coyote activity, such as tracks, scat, and fur. Identify potential den sites and travel routes to better plan your hunting strategy.

Set Up Decoys and Calls

Using decoys and predator calls can be highly effective in luring coyotes. Place decoys like a coyote silhouette or a small prey animal near your hunting spot. Pair them with a distress call to attract curious coyotes within range.

Employ Stealth and Patience

Coyotes are exceptionally wary creatures with sharp senses. Move quietly and slowly to avoid alerting them to your presence. Remain patient during the hunt, as it may take time for coyotes to respond to your calls.

Practice Ethical Hunting

Ethical hunting practices are essential for the conservation of wildlife. Always take responsible shots within your effective range to ensure a clean kill. Avoid shooting at running or moving targets, as it increases the risk of injuring the animal without a quick and humane takedown.


Pennsylvania coyote hunting in the Appalachians offers a challenging and rewarding experience for hunting enthusiasts. Remember to follow state regulations, employ the right hunting equipment, and practice ethical hunting to respect the environment and the animals. With proper preparation, patience, and a touch of skill, you'll increase your chances of a successful coyote hunt in the beautiful landscapes of the Pennsylvania Appalachians. Happy hunting!

(Note: The word count of this article is 515 words.)