Blog / Pigeon hunt

By Connor Thomas
Monday, March 27, 2023

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The pursuit of pigeon hunting has become a widely sought-after and exhilarating pastime for hunting enthusiasts worldwide. Notably, pigeons are frequently observed in urban areas, rendering the act of hunting them a pragmatic and attainable way to indulge in the great outdoors. In this exposé, we will delve into the rudiments of pigeon hunting, encompassing equipment, tactics, and safety considerations.

Prior to delving into the specificities of pigeon hunting, it's imperative to highlight that hunting laws and regulations are diversified across regions, varying from state to state and country to country. Therefore, ensure you meticulously scrutinize and conform to all relevant laws and regulations in your area of jurisdiction.


Concerning pigeon hunting equipment, a few essential tools are critical. Firstly, a shotgun is highly recommended, preferably a 12-gauge or 20-gauge, with ammunition like No. 6 or No. 7.5 shot. Additionally, acquiring decoys is highly advised, which helps to allure the pigeons to your hunting spot. You may also require a blind or some form of concealment as pigeons are sometimes apprehensive of human beings. Finally, a pair of binoculars can prove handy in spotting the incoming birds from a distance.


Pigeons can be sighted in various settings, including urban areas, agricultural fields, and even wooded areas. To locate an ideal hunting spot, scour the surroundings where pigeons gather, such as rooftops, parks, or grain silos.

Once you discover a prime location, it's time to set up your decoys. Ideally, the decoys should be placed in a position that mimics a natural pigeon congregation, for instance, on the ground or on a nearby rooftop. Spread them out in a realistic pattern, and make adjustments as required, based on the pigeons' behavior.

When hunting, it's imperative to exercise patience and keen observation. Watch for pigeons flying overhead or landing near your decoys. Once you spot a bird, try to get a sense of its flight path and approach. It's noteworthy that pigeons can be wary, and so, you may need to bide your time and wait for the opportune moment to take a shot.

Safety Considerations:

As with any hunting activity, safety should be the topmost priority when pigeon hunting. Always don appropriate safety gear, including ear and eye protection. Ensure compliance with all relevant hunting laws and regulations in your area.

Additionally, it's important to be mindful of your surroundings, avoiding shooting in the direction of other hunters or bystanders. Verify that you have a clear line of sight before taking a shot. Finally, exercise caution when handling your firearm at all times, and adhere to responsible gun-handling practices.


Undoubtedly, pigeon hunting can be a thrilling and fulfilling way to relish the outdoors and enhance your hunting skills. Remember to painstakingly research and comply with all relevant laws and regulations, invest in appropriate equipment, and exercise safe hunting practices at all times. If you're enthusiastic about pigeon hunting, contemplate joining a local hunting club or consulting with seasoned hunters to learn from. At Find A Hunt, we can aid in connecting you with experienced hunters in your area, providing resources and guidance to set you on your way. Wishing you a delightful hunting experience!