Blog / Practical guide to bear hunting in Alaska

By Connor Thomas
Monday, June 05, 2023

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Title: Practical Guide to Bear Hunting in Alaska


Alaska, with its vast wilderness and abundant wildlife, offers an unparalleled hunting experience for enthusiasts. Among the most sought-after game species in the region is the majestic bear. Bear hunting requires knowledge, skill, and careful preparation to ensure a successful and ethical pursuit. In this practical guide, brought to you by Find A Hunt, we will provide valuable insights and tips to enhance your bear hunting adventures in Alaska.

Research and Planning:

Before embarking on a bear hunting expedition, thorough research is essential. Familiarize yourself with the specific regulations, seasons, and hunting zones established by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Gain knowledge about different bear species, such as the black bear and the iconic Alaskan brown bear, to determine your preferred target.

Gear and Equipment:

Investing in high-quality gear is crucial for bear hunting in Alaska. Some essential items include a reliable rifle or bow, suitable ammunition, a sturdy backpack, durable hiking boots, cold-weather clothing, rain gear, binoculars, and a GPS device. Make sure to pack essential survival tools, such as a first aid kit, fire starter, and bear-proof containers for storing food.

Physical Fitness and Training:

Alaska's rugged terrain demands physical fitness and endurance. Engage in regular exercise and conditioning to prepare yourself for long hikes and potentially challenging weather conditions. Strengthen your shooting skills by practicing at the range and simulating real hunting scenarios.

Hiring a Guide:

Consider hiring an experienced and knowledgeable hunting guide. Local guides possess invaluable expertise in tracking bear movements, identifying signs, and ensuring your safety during the hunt. They can also help with logistics and provide insider tips for a successful hunting experience.

Understanding Bear Behavior:

To increase your chances of success, it is crucial to understand bear behavior and habitat. Bears are most active during early morning and late evening hours. Study their feeding patterns, preferred food sources, and habitat preferences. Learn to recognize bear tracks, scat, and other signs indicating their presence in the area.

Ethical Hunting Practices:

Adhering to ethical hunting practices is essential for conservation and sustainability. Ensure you have the necessary permits and licenses, and strictly follow all hunting regulations. Take only ethical shots within your effective range and avoid unnecessary suffering to the animal. Remember, respect for wildlife is paramount.

Safety Considerations:

Bear encounters can be dangerous, and it is essential to prioritize safety. Carry bear spray and know how to use it effectively. Travel in groups whenever possible and make noise to alert bears of your presence. Be cautious when approaching bear dens or carcasses, as bears may be in the vicinity. Familiarize yourself with proper bear encounter protocols to minimize risks.

Post-Hunt Care:

After a successful hunt, it is essential to handle the harvested bear responsibly. Field dress the animal promptly and properly to ensure the meat remains clean and safe for consumption. Consult local regulations and guidelines for transporting, processing, and storing bear meat. Utilize the hide and other parts of the bear responsibly and consider engaging in bear population research initiatives, such as submitting samples for DNA analysis.


Bear hunting in Alaska offers a thrilling and challenging experience for hunters. By conducting thorough research, preparing the right equipment, understanding bear behavior, and practicing ethical hunting, you can maximize your chances of success while ensuring the conservation and sustainability of these magnificent creatures. Remember to always prioritize safety and respect for wildlife during your bear hunting adventures. Happy hunting!