Blog / Preparing Coyote Pelts: From Field to Fur Buyer

By Connor Thomas
Monday, April 15, 2024

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  • Coyote hunting isn't just about the thrill of the chase; it's also about utilizing every part of the animal, including its pelt. Preparing coyote pelts from the field to the fur buyer involves several crucial steps to ensure the quality of the fur and maximize its value. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you make the most out of your coyote hunting experience.

  • 1. Field Dressing:

  • Once you've successfully harvested a coyote, the first step is to field dress it. This involves removing the entrails promptly to prevent spoilage and preserve the quality of the pelt. Use a sharp knife to make a careful incision from the sternum to the pelvis, taking care not to puncture the intestines.

  • 2. Skinning:

  • After field dressing, it's time to skin the coyote. Begin by making an incision around the hind legs, then carefully peel the skin away from the body using your hands or a skinning knife. Take your time to avoid tearing or damaging the hide, as any imperfections can reduce its value.

  • 3. Fleshing:

  • Once the pelt is removed, it needs to be fleshed to remove any remaining tissue and fat. Lay the skin flat on a fleshing beam or board and use a fleshing knife to scrape away the flesh and fat from the underside of the hide. This step is essential for preventing the growth of bacteria and ensuring the longevity of the pelt.

  • 4. Stretching and Drying:

  • After fleshing, stretch the pelt on a drying frame to prevent it from shrinking and to allow it to dry evenly. Use tacks or staples to secure the edges of the hide to the frame, making sure it's taut but not overstretched. Place the frame in a cool, well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight and let the pelt dry completely.

  • 5. Fur Treatment:

  • Once the pelt is dry, it's time to treat the fur to make it soft, supple, and ready for sale. There are various methods for treating fur, including combing, brushing, and applying specialized fur treatments. Follow the instructions carefully to achieve the desired results and enhance the quality of the pelt.

  • 6. Finding a Fur Buyer:

  • Once your coyote pelts are properly prepared, it's time to find a fur buyer. Look for local fur buyers or consider selling online through platforms specializing in fur sales. Be prepared to provide information about the size, quality, and condition of your pelts to negotiate the best price.

  • Preparing coyote pelts from the field to the fur buyer requires attention to detail and careful craftsmanship. By following these steps, you can maximize the value of your coyote pelts and make the most out of your hunting experience.

  • Don't let your hunting adventures end with the harvest. Explore Find A Hunt's extensive directory of hunting outfitters across America for your next unforgettable expedition.

  • Explore the hunting outfitters listed on Find A Hunt and plan your next hunting adventure today!