Blog / Preparing for a hunting trip in Montana: A checklist

By Connor Thomas
Friday, June 16, 2023

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Planning a hunting trip in Montana requires careful preparation to ensure a successful and enjoyable experience. From securing necessary permits to packing essential gear, thorough preparation is the key to a memorable hunt. In this article, we present a comprehensive checklist to help you get ready for your upcoming hunting adventure in Montana, brought to you by Find A Hunt, your trusted hunting resource.

Research and Planning:

Before embarking on your hunting trip, conduct thorough research to familiarize yourself with the hunting regulations, seasons, and game species in Montana. Consider the following:

a. Hunting Regulations: Visit the Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks (FWP) website to understand the specific hunting regulations and licensing requirements for the area you intend to hunt in. Ensure you are familiar with bag limits, legal hunting methods, and any special permits or tags required.

b. Game Species: Determine the specific game species you wish to hunt and research their habits, preferred habitats, and peak activity periods. This knowledge will help you plan your hunting strategy effectively.

c. Hunting Areas: Identify potential hunting areas in Montana that align with your game species preferences. Take note of public lands, private hunting ranches, and national forests that permit hunting, and gather contact information for obtaining permission or securing hunting leases if necessary.

Licensing and Permits:

a. Hunting License: Acquire a valid Montana hunting license. You can purchase licenses online through the FWP website or at authorized license vendors across the state. Ensure you possess the appropriate license for your desired game species and hunting method (rifle, archery, etc.).

b. Tags and Special Permits: If hunting for specific game species, check if you need additional tags or special permits. For example, Montana offers limited entry permits for certain big game species. Apply for these permits well in advance, as they often have specific application periods.

Essential Gear and Equipment:

a. Firearm or Bow: Ensure your firearm or bow is in proper working condition and sighted-in accurately. Practice shooting to maintain your proficiency before the hunting season begins.

b. Ammunition or Arrows: Carry an adequate supply of ammunition or arrows for your hunting trip, considering factors like shot opportunities, backup shots, and practice sessions.

c. Hunting Clothing: Pack appropriate hunting clothing suitable for Montana's weather conditions. Layering is essential to adapt to changing temperatures. Include camouflage patterns that match the surrounding terrain.

d. Hunting Boots: Invest in quality, waterproof hunting boots to provide comfort and support during long treks through rugged terrain.

e. Optics: Carry binoculars, a rangefinder, and a spotting scope to improve your ability to locate and assess game from a distance.

f. Field Dressing Kit: Pack a field dressing kit consisting of a sharp knife, game bags, latex gloves, and other essentials for field dressing and processing harvested game.

Safety and Survival Gear:

a. First Aid Kit: Prepare a well-stocked first aid kit with essential supplies to address any potential injuries or emergencies while in the field.

b. Personal Locator Beacon (PLB): Consider carrying a PLB, especially when venturing into remote areas. It can transmit your location in case of emergencies.

c. Maps and Compass: Carry detailed topographic maps of your hunting area and a reliable compass for navigation, even if you plan to rely on GPS devices.

d. Survival Essentials: Pack essentials such as water purification tablets, fire-starting tools, a signaling whistle, emergency shelter, and high-energy snacks.


Preparing for a hunting trip in Montana involves careful research, planning, and gathering the necessary gear and permits. By following this checklist provided by Find A Hunt, you'll be well-equipped to have a successful and