Blog / Preparing for a Mountain Lion Hunt: Safety and Strategy

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, November 14, 2023

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Hunting mountain lions is a thrilling and challenging pursuit that requires careful preparation, a deep understanding of the animal's behavior, and a commitment to safety. If you're planning a mountain lion hunt, whether it's your first or you're a seasoned hunter, it's essential to prioritize both safety and strategy. In this article, we'll discuss how to prepare for a successful mountain lion hunt, with a focus on safety, tactics, and the use of expert services provided by "Find A Hunt."

I. Safety First:

Safety should always be your top priority when hunting mountain lions. These apex predators are known for their elusive nature and can pose serious risks if not approached with caution.

Knowledge and Training:

Before embarking on a mountain lion hunt, educate yourself about the animal's habits and habitat. Consider enrolling in a hunting safety course to learn about firearms safety, wildlife behavior, and ethical hunting practices. Knowledge is your first line of defense.

Proper Equipment:

Ensure you have the right equipment, including a reliable firearm, appropriate ammunition, and high-quality hunting gear. Always keep your gear well-maintained to minimize the risk of equipment failure in the field.

Hunting Partners:

Hunting mountain lions alone is not advisable. Always hunt with a partner or a hunting guide who is experienced in lion hunting. Two sets of eyes and ears can help in tracking and staying safe during the hunt.


Carry a means of communication, such as a two-way radio or satellite phone, to stay in touch with your hunting party and seek assistance if needed. Cell phone reception is often limited in mountainous terrain.

II. Strategic Approaches:

Mountain lions are known for their stealth and elusive nature. Developing effective hunting strategies is crucial for success.


Before the hunt, scout the hunting area to identify mountain lion tracks, scat, and potential travel routes. Understanding their patterns will increase your chances of encountering one.

Use of Hounds:

Many hunters use trained hounds to track mountain lions. "Find A Hunt" can connect you with experienced houndsmen who can assist you in tracking and treeing lions, making the hunt more efficient.

Camouflage and Concealment:

Blend into your surroundings by wearing appropriate camouflage clothing. Use natural cover to hide and minimize your scent to avoid alerting mountain lions to your presence.

Patience and Persistence:

Mountain lion hunts can be time-consuming and require patience. Be prepared for long hours of waiting and tracking, as these elusive creatures can test your endurance.

III. The Expertise of "Find A Hunt":

"Find A Hunt" is a trusted resource for hunters looking to plan successful and safe hunting adventures. Their network of hunting guides and outfitters can provide valuable assistance for mountain lion hunts, including access to prime hunting areas, knowledgeable guides, and well-trained hunting dogs.

Preparing for a mountain lion hunt requires careful consideration of safety and strategy. Prioritize safety at all times, and ensure you have the necessary knowledge, equipment, and support. By employing sound hunting practices and the expertise of "Find A Hunt," you can increase your chances of a successful and memorable mountain lion hunting experience while staying safe in the rugged terrain they call home.