Blog / Preserving Game Meat in the Field

By Connor Thomas
Thursday, November 02, 2023

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When it comes to hunting, there's nothing quite like the satisfaction of bringing home fresh game meat. Whether you're a seasoned hunter or a novice, the importance of preserving game meat in the field cannot be overstated. Properly handling and storing your game meat ensures that it remains safe to eat and maintains its quality. In this article, brought to you by Find A Hunt, we'll discuss essential tips and techniques for preserving game meat while you're out in the field.

Field Dressing

Field dressing is the first crucial step in preserving game meat. It involves removing the internal organs and entrails of the animal as soon as possible after the kill. This not only cools down the carcass but also reduces the risk of bacterial growth. Be sure to wear gloves and use sharp, clean knives for this task to minimize contamination.

Proper Cooling

After field dressing, it's essential to cool the meat down quickly to prevent spoilage. Hang the carcass in a shaded area, or if the weather is warm, consider using game bags or a cooler with ice packs to maintain a consistent temperature. Cooling the meat as soon as possible helps maintain its quality and flavor.

Keep it Clean

Maintaining cleanliness throughout the processing is crucial. Use clean surfaces, tools, and equipment to prevent cross-contamination. Bacteria from your hands, clothing, or tools can easily transfer to the meat, potentially making it unsafe to eat.

Aging the Meat

Aging game meat is an optional step that can enhance its flavor and tenderness. This process involves allowing the meat to rest in controlled conditions for a specified period, typically a few days. Proper aging can improve the quality of your meat, making it more enjoyable to eat.


If you're not planning to consume the game meat right away, freezing is an effective preservation method. Package the meat in airtight, freezer-safe containers or vacuum-sealed bags to prevent freezer burn. Label each package with the date and type of meat to help you keep track of what's in your freezer.

Canning and Smoking

Canning and smoking are traditional methods of preserving game meat that can add unique flavors to your dishes. Canning involves pressure-cooking the meat in jars, while smoking imparts a smoky flavor by slowly cooking the meat over wood chips. Both methods can extend the shelf life of your game meat.

Share the Harvest

If you find yourself with more game meat than you can consume, consider sharing it with friends and family. Donating to local charities or food banks is another great way to ensure that no part of the harvest goes to waste.

Preserving game meat in the field is a crucial skill for any hunter. By following these tips and techniques, you can ensure that the game meat you bring home is safe to eat and maintains its quality. Remember, Find A Hunt is here to help you make the most of your hunting experience, providing valuable information and resources to ensure your success in the field. Happy hunting!