Blog / Pronghorn hunting

By Connor Thomas
Monday, March 27, 2023

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Pronghorn Hunting: A Daunting Endeavor for Adventurous Hunters

Are you an avid hunter seeking a challenging and exhilarating experience? If so, you might be interested in pronghorn hunting, an activity that demands your best hunting skills. Pronghorns, also known as antelopes, are the fastest land animals in North America, boasting a remarkable speed of up to 60 mph, making them challenging to hunt. But fret not! With the right tips and techniques, pronghorn hunting can be a rewarding and successful experience. In this article, we’ll explore some of the essential tips and techniques that you should keep in mind when embarking on this thrilling adventure.

Scouting the Area: The Key to Successful Pronghorn Hunting

Before you set out to hunt pronghorns, it's imperative to scout the area where you plan to hunt. Pronghorns often occupy vast open areas such as plains, prairies, and desert regions, searching for areas with good food sources and water supplies, as these two elements are essential for their survival. As a hunter, take note of the pronghorns’ preferred habitat and travel routes, as this will help you determine the best locations for setting up blinds or stalking.

Camouflage and Scent Control: Your Best Allies Against Pronghorns

Pronghorns possess an impeccable eyesight and can detect movement from a considerable distance. To avoid detection, use camouflage clothing that matches the terrain you’ll be hunting in. In addition, use scent control products to minimize your scent and avoid spooking the pronghorns.

Decoys and Calls: Lure the Curious Pronghorns

Pronghorns are curious animals and may approach decoys and calls. Use a decoy that mimics a pronghorn and use calls such as a distress call or a fawn call to attract the pronghorns.

Long-Range Shooting: A Skill that Can Make a Difference

Pronghorns can cover a lot of ground quickly, making them difficult to approach. Thus, it's essential to practice long-range shooting to increase your chances of a successful hunt. Use a high-powered rifle with a scope and practice shooting from various distances and angles to hone your shooting skills.

Hunting During the Rut: The Optimal Time to Hunt Pronghorns

The rut is the breeding season for pronghorns, and it occurs in late September through early October. During the rut, pronghorns are more active and less cautious, making them easier to hunt. The rut is also a good time to use decoys and calls to attract the pronghorns.

Plan for the Weather: Always Be Prepared

Pronghorn hunting often occurs in hot and dry regions, so it’s essential to plan for the weather. Bring plenty of water and sunscreen to stay hydrated and protect your skin from the sun. Additionally, bring appropriate clothing for the weather conditions, such as lightweight and breathable clothing for hot temperatures and warm layers for cooler temperatures.

In conclusion, pronghorn hunting requires patience, skill, and preparation. By scouting the area, using camouflage and scent control, practicing long-range shooting, using decoys and calls, hunting during the rut, and planning for the weather, you’ll increase your chances of a successful hunt. As with any hunting activity, always follow the hunting regulations and guidelines to ensure a safe and ethical hunting experience.

If you’re looking to go pronghorn hunting, Find A Hunt is here to help. We offer a wide selection of pronghorn hunting trips and guides to help you plan your next adventure. Contact us today to learn more!