Blog / Pursuing Caribou in Alaska's Brooks Range

By Connor Thomas
Thursday, September 21, 2023

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  • Alaska's Brooks Range is a vast and rugged wilderness that offers some of the most exhilarating hunting experiences in North America. For those who seek the challenge of pursuing caribou, this remote region is a paradise. In this article, brought to you by Find A Hunt, we will explore the allure of caribou hunting in the Brooks Range and provide essential information to help hunters plan their adventure.

  • The Brooks Range: A Wilderness Wonderland

  • The Brooks Range spans over 700 miles across northern Alaska, offering a pristine and untamed landscape that is home to diverse wildlife, including the majestic caribou. This region's dramatic scenery, characterized by rugged mountains, vast tundra expanses, and winding rivers, creates a breathtaking backdrop for any hunting expedition.

  • Caribou Species in the Brooks Range

  • The Brooks Range is home to two main caribou species: the barren-ground caribou and the Porcupine caribou. The barren-ground caribou herds, such as the Western Arctic and Teshekpuk Lake herds, are known for their impressive migrations, which take them across this expansive wilderness. The Porcupine caribou, on the other hand, reside in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and are highly sought after by hunters.

  • Seasons and Regulations

  • Hunters planning a trip to the Brooks Range should be aware of the hunting seasons and regulations in place. These regulations are designed to ensure the sustainability of caribou populations and maintain the pristine wilderness. The specific seasons and bag limits can vary from year to year, so it is crucial to check the Alaska Department of Fish and Game's website or consult with local authorities before your trip.

  • Gear and Preparation

  • Preparing for a caribou hunt in the Brooks Range requires careful planning and appropriate gear. Here are some essential items to consider:

  • Rifles: A rifle suitable for long-range shooting is recommended. Choose a caliber that provides enough stopping power for caribou, typically .270 or larger.

  • Optics: High-quality binoculars and spotting scopes are essential for locating caribou in the vast wilderness.

  • Clothing: Dress in layers to adapt to changing weather conditions. Waterproof and insulated clothing is crucial for staying warm and dry.

  • Backpack: A comfortable and durable backpack is essential for carrying gear and meat.

  • Navigation: GPS devices, maps, and a compass are vital for navigating the complex terrain.

  • Camping Equipment: If planning an extended hunt, lightweight camping gear is necessary for staying in the wilderness.

  • Food and Water: Pack enough food and water to sustain you throughout your hunt.

  • Leave No Trace

  • Respect for the environment and wildlife is paramount when hunting in the Brooks Range. Leave no trace of your presence, and adhere to ethical hunting practices. Dispose of trash properly and be mindful of fire safety.

  • Conclusion

  • Hunting caribou in Alaska's Brooks Range is a challenging and rewarding experience that every serious hunter should consider. The remote and rugged wilderness, combined with the thrill of pursuing these magnificent creatures, makes for a once-in-a-lifetime adventure. Remember to plan your trip carefully, follow all regulations, and respect the environment to ensure a successful and responsible hunt. Find A Hunt is here to help you make your caribou hunting dreams in the Brooks Range a reality.