Blog / Rabbit Hunting in Oregon: A Comprehensive Look

By Connor Thomas
Wednesday, July 12, 2023

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Welcome to Find A Hunt, your trusted source for all things hunting. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of rabbit hunting in Oregon. Renowned for its diverse landscape and abundant wildlife, Oregon offers excellent opportunities for rabbit hunting enthusiasts. Whether you are a seasoned hunter or a beginner, this article will provide you with valuable insights to make your rabbit hunting adventure in Oregon a memorable one.

Understanding the Rabbit Species in Oregon:

Oregon is home to several species of rabbits, including the Eastern cottontail, the brush rabbit, and the snowshoe hare. Each species has its own unique habitat preferences and behavior patterns. Eastern cottontails are found throughout the state, primarily in grassy areas and farmlands. Brush rabbits, on the other hand, prefer dense shrubbery and brushy habitats. Snowshoe hares are commonly found in higher elevations, such as the Cascade Mountains.

Legal Considerations:

Before embarking on your rabbit hunting trip, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the hunting regulations in Oregon. Ensure that you have a valid hunting license and understand the specific rules and bag limits for rabbit hunting. It is essential to follow ethical hunting practices and respect private property boundaries.

Choosing the Right Gear:

When it comes to rabbit hunting, having the right gear can significantly enhance your hunting experience. Some essential items to consider include a reliable shotgun or rimfire rifle, appropriate ammunition, camouflage clothing, sturdy boots, and hunting accessories such as binoculars, game calls, and a backpack for carrying supplies. It is advisable to pack extra layers of clothing, as Oregon's weather can be unpredictable.

Selecting Ideal Hunting Locations:

Oregon offers a wide array of public and private lands for rabbit hunting. Public lands such as national forests, wildlife management areas, and state parks provide excellent opportunities for hunters. Prior research and scouting can help you identify specific areas where rabbits are likely to be found, such as edge habitats, brushy areas, and transition zones between different vegetation types.

Hunting Techniques and Strategies:

Successful rabbit hunting often requires employing effective techniques and strategies. One popular approach is spot-and-stalk, where hunters quietly move through suitable habitat, scanning for movement and signs of rabbits. Additionally, hunting with well-trained dogs can significantly improve your chances of locating and flushing out rabbits. Proper shot placement is crucial for ethical hunting, aiming for vital areas to ensure a quick and humane kill.

Safety Considerations:

Safety should always be a top priority while hunting. Ensure that you inform someone about your hunting plans and carry a first aid kit in case of emergencies. It is vital to practice firearm safety at all times, including muzzle awareness, proper handling, and wearing blaze orange for visibility. Be mindful of other hunters in the area and respect their presence.


Rabbit hunting in Oregon offers hunters a unique and exciting experience amidst the state's breathtaking natural beauty. By understanding the different rabbit species, adhering to hunting regulations, and employing effective techniques, you can maximize your chances of a successful hunt. Remember to prioritize safety, respect nature, and enjoy the camaraderie that hunting brings. Find A Hunt wishes you a rewarding and memorable rabbit hunting adventure in Oregon.