Blog / Rabbit Hunting in Oregon: A Comprehensive Review

By Connor Thomas
Wednesday, July 12, 2023

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Welcome to Find A Hunt, your go-to resource for all things hunting. In this comprehensive review, we'll delve into the thrilling world of rabbit hunting in Oregon. Known for its diverse landscapes and abundant wildlife, Oregon offers exceptional opportunities for avid hunters to pursue these small game animals. Whether you're a seasoned hunter or a beginner looking for an exciting adventure, this article will provide you with valuable insights and tips to make the most of your rabbit hunting experience in Oregon.

Overview of Rabbit Hunting in Oregon:

Rabbit hunting is a popular recreational activity in Oregon, attracting hunters of all skill levels. The state is home to various rabbit species, including the Eastern cottontail, snowshoe hare, and pygmy rabbit. Oregon's diverse terrain, ranging from forests and grasslands to agricultural areas, provides a rich habitat for rabbits to thrive. Before embarking on your hunting journey, familiarize yourself with the local regulations, bag limits, and seasons, as these may vary across different regions in the state.

Selecting the Right Hunting Equipment:

To maximize your chances of a successful rabbit hunt, it's crucial to have the appropriate hunting gear. Start with a reliable shotgun chambered for .410, 20-gauge, or 12-gauge, depending on your preference. Opt for lightweight and comfortable clothing suitable for the prevailing weather conditions. Don't forget essentials such as hearing protection, binoculars, a game bag, and a good knife for field dressing.

Choosing the Ideal Hunting Spot:

Oregon offers a wide range of hunting areas for rabbit enthusiasts. Look for areas with a mix of open fields, brushy cover, and edge habitats, as rabbits are known to frequent these locations. National forests, state wildlife areas, and public lands are excellent options for rabbit hunting. However, always ensure that you have the necessary permits and follow any specific regulations imposed by the managing agencies.

Hunting Techniques and Strategies:

Rabbits are agile and have a keen sense of hearing and smell, making them challenging targets. Employing effective hunting techniques can greatly enhance your success rate. Consider these strategies:

a. Still Hunting: Move slowly and quietly through potential rabbit habitats, pausing frequently to scan the surroundings. Look for signs such as tracks, droppings, or disturbed vegetation. This method requires patience and a keen eye.

b. Beagle-Assisted Hunting: Utilize the assistance of a well-trained rabbit-hunting dog, such as a beagle. Beagles possess an exceptional sense of smell and can track rabbits, flushing them out for a clear shot.

c. Driving and Flushing: Work in a group to strategically drive rabbits from their cover. Participants can position themselves at key locations to intercept the fleeing rabbits.

Ethical Considerations and Safety:

As responsible hunters, it's essential to prioritize safety and ethical hunting practices. Always follow the state's hunting regulations, obtain the necessary licenses, and practice proper firearm safety. Ensure you have a clear line of sight before taking a shot, and always be aware of your surroundings. Respect private property and obtain permission from landowners before hunting on their land.


Rabbit hunting in Oregon offers an exciting and rewarding experience for hunters of all skill levels. With its diverse landscapes, abundant rabbit populations, and favorable hunting regulations, the state presents an ideal destination for those seeking a memorable hunting adventure. Remember to plan your hunt carefully, acquire the right equipment, and always prioritize safety and ethical hunting practices. Happy hunting with Find A Hunt in the beautiful wilderness of Oregon!