Blog / Rabbit hunting in Oregon: Tips and techniques

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, June 13, 2023

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Title: Rabbit Hunting in Oregon: Tips and Techniques


Welcome to Find A Hunt, your ultimate resource for hunting enthusiasts. In this article, we will delve into the exciting world of rabbit hunting in Oregon. Renowned for its diverse landscapes and abundant wildlife, Oregon offers fantastic opportunities for hunters seeking the thrill of pursuing rabbits. Whether you are a seasoned hunter or a beginner looking to explore this exhilarating sport, we have compiled essential tips and techniques to enhance your rabbit hunting experience. Read on to discover the secrets of successful rabbit hunting in Oregon.

Know the Rabbit Species:

Oregon is home to several rabbit species, including the most common Eastern cottontail and the slightly less abundant snowshoe hare. Understanding the behavior, habitats, and physical characteristics of the rabbits you are targeting is crucial for a successful hunt. Eastern cottontails are primarily found in brushy areas, while snowshoe hares prefer dense conifer forests. Take the time to research each species to improve your chances of a successful hunt.

Scout the Hunting Areas:

Scouting your hunting areas is vital for any successful hunt. In Oregon, rabbits are often found near the edges of fields, in overgrown fence lines, or within shrubby cover. Look for signs of rabbit activity, such as tracks, droppings, and chewed vegetation. Pay attention to early morning and late afternoon when rabbits are most active. By scouting your hunting grounds beforehand, you can identify the most promising spots and plan your approach accordingly.

Choose the Right Firearm:

Selecting the appropriate firearm is essential for a humane and efficient hunt. Shotguns are the most commonly used weapons for rabbit hunting due to their versatility. A 20 or 12-gauge shotgun with a modified or improved cylinder choke is ideal for rabbits. Ensure you are familiar with your firearm and practice shooting to improve your accuracy and proficiency.

Utilize Proper Techniques:

Effective techniques can significantly enhance your chances of success while rabbit hunting. One popular method is still hunting, which involves moving slowly and quietly through rabbit habitats, pausing frequently to listen and observe for any signs of movement. Another technique is hunting with dogs, where well-trained hunting dogs can flush out rabbits from cover, making them easier to target. Whichever technique you choose, remember to prioritize safety and ethical hunting practices.

Optimize Your Gear:

Having the right gear can make your hunting experience more comfortable and efficient. Some essential items for rabbit hunting include camouflage clothing, sturdy boots, binoculars, a hunting knife, and a reliable hunting backpack to carry your supplies. Consider bringing a rabbit call to attract rabbits or a predator call to lure potential rabbit predators closer.

Follow Regulations and Obtain Permits:

Before embarking on your rabbit hunting adventure, familiarize yourself with Oregon's hunting regulations and ensure you have the necessary permits and licenses. Abiding by the rules not only preserves the sport but also ensures the sustainability of wildlife populations for future generations of hunters.


Rabbit hunting in Oregon is a thrilling and rewarding experience for hunters of all levels. By following these tips and techniques, you can increase your chances of success and make the most of your hunting expeditions. Remember to respect the land, practice ethical hunting, and prioritize safety at all times. Find A Hunt wishes you a memorable and fruitful rabbit hunting season in the beautiful state of Oregon. Happy hunting!