Blog / Ruffed Grouse: Tactics for Hunting Pennsylvania's State Bird

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, November 07, 2023

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Pennsylvania is home to a diverse range of wildlife, making it a prime destination for hunters. Among the state's abundant game species, the ruffed grouse stands out as an iconic and challenging target. As Pennsylvania's state bird, the ruffed grouse holds a special place in the hearts of many hunters. In this article, we'll explore effective tactics for hunting ruffed grouse in the Keystone State, brought to you by "Find A Hunt."

Understanding Ruffed Grouse

Ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus) are medium-sized birds known for their distinctive fan-shaped tail and mottled plumage that helps them blend seamlessly into their woodland habitat. These birds prefer dense forests, especially areas dominated by young forests, as they rely on a variety of foods like insects, buds, and berries found in such environments.

Tactics for Successful Ruffed Grouse Hunting

Scout the Right Locations:

To increase your chances of encountering ruffed grouse, scout areas with the following characteristics:

Young Forests: Grouse thrive in areas with dense shrubs and young trees. Focus your efforts on such habitats.

Edges and Transitions: Grouse often hang out near the edges of clearings, old logging roads, and forest transitions.

Timing is Crucial:

Ruffed grouse are most active during early morning and late afternoon. Plan your hunting trips accordingly, and be in your preferred hunting spot during these prime hours.

Practice Stealth and Patience:

Grouse are known for their keen hearing and sharp eyesight. Approach your hunting area quietly and move slowly. Pay attention to the ground for signs of feeding, such as scratched leaves, to indicate recent grouse activity. Remember to remain still and patient while waiting for a shot opportunity.

Use the Right Shotgun and Ammunition:

Shotguns with improved cylinder or modified chokes are ideal for grouse hunting. Load your shotgun with small shot sizes, such as #7.5 or #8, to avoid damaging the meat.

Employ Flushing Dogs:

Well-trained flushing dogs, such as English Setters or English Pointers, can be invaluable partners in grouse hunting. These dogs have an excellent nose for tracking grouse scent and can flush the birds from their hiding spots.

Learn Grouse Calls:

Mastering grouse calls can be a game-changer. The "drumming" sound made by male grouse in the spring can attract females and is a useful call to mimic when hunting. Additionally, the "flushing" sound when a grouse takes off can help you locate hidden birds.

Respect Bag Limits and Regulations:

Always adhere to Pennsylvania's hunting regulations, including bag limits and hunting seasons, to ensure the sustainability of grouse populations.

Hunting ruffed grouse in Pennsylvania is a challenging and rewarding pursuit. By scouting the right locations, practicing stealth and patience, using the appropriate gear, and respecting regulations, you can increase your chances of a successful grouse hunt. Remember that ethical and responsible hunting practices are essential to preserve the beauty and diversity of Pennsylvania's wildlife. "Find A Hunt" wishes you a safe and successful grouse hunting season in the Keystone State. Happy hunting!