Blog / Seasonal Hunting Strategies for Different Game

By Connor Thomas
Monday, December 18, 2023

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Hunting is a timeless pursuit that has been an integral part of human history for millennia. For hunters, understanding the seasonal behaviors and patterns of different game species is crucial for a successful and ethical hunting experience. In this article, we'll explore seasonal hunting strategies for various game species to help hunters make the most of their hunting adventures. Whether you're an experienced hunter or a novice looking to learn more, "Find A Hunt" has you covered with valuable insights.

Spring Hunting:


Spring is synonymous with turkey hunting for many hunters. During this season, male turkeys, known as toms or gobblers, become highly active as they seek to attract females (hens) for mating. To take advantage of this, hunters often use turkey calls, such as box calls, slate calls, or diaphragm calls, to mimic the sounds of a hen. Setting up near known roosting areas or strutting zones is a proven strategy for spring turkey hunting success.

Black Bear:

Spring is also a prime time for black bear hunting, as they emerge from hibernation in search of food. Concentrate on areas with lush vegetation, such as berry patches and new green growth, as black bears are eager to replenish their energy stores. Baiting and spot-and-stalk are common methods used by hunters during the spring bear season.

Fall Hunting:

White-Tailed Deer:

The fall season is synonymous with white-tailed deer hunting across North America. As temperatures drop, white-tailed deer enter the rut, which is the mating season. Bucks become more active and less cautious, making them more accessible to hunters. Utilize scent lures and deer calls to attract bucks and increase your chances of a successful hunt.


Fall is also the prime time for waterfowl hunting. Ducks and geese are migrating from their breeding grounds to warmer wintering areas, providing ample opportunities for hunters. Wetlands, lakes, and rivers are popular hunting grounds during this season. Decoy spreads and calling techniques are essential tools for attracting waterfowl.

Winter Hunting:

Upland Birds:

Winter is a great time to pursue upland birds like quail, pheasants, and grouse. As vegetation thins out and food sources become scarcer, these birds concentrate in specific areas. Brushy fields, hedgerows, and woodlands are excellent places to hunt for upland birds. Consider using well-trained bird dogs to flush and retrieve game.


Winter is often considered the best time to target coyotes. As other prey becomes less abundant, coyotes become more active and are easier to call in using predator calls. Focus on areas with ample cover and use distress calls to mimic injured prey, enticing coyotes within range.

Successful hunting involves understanding the seasonal behaviors and patterns of different game species. By adapting your hunting strategies to the changing seasons, you can increase your chances of a successful and ethical hunt. Remember to prioritize safety and follow all hunting regulations and guidelines. "Find A Hunt" is your trusted resource for hunting information and can help you plan your next hunting adventure with confidence. Happy hunting!