Blog / South Carolina Turkey Hunting: How to Use a Turkey Box Call

By Connor Thomas
Thursday, July 27, 2023

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Title: South Carolina Turkey Hunting: How to Use a Turkey Box Call

Introduction (50 words):

Welcome to Find A Hunt, your ultimate resource for all things hunting. In this article, we'll dive into the art of turkey hunting in South Carolina, focusing on the effective use of a turkey box call. Mastering this essential skill will greatly improve your chances of a successful hunt. So, let's get started!

Understanding the Turkey Box Call (100 words):

Before we delve into the techniques of using a turkey box call, it's essential to understand what it is. A turkey box call is a handheld wooden or synthetic device that mimics the sounds of a turkey. It consists of two parts - a long, narrow box and a lid that slides across it. By creating friction between the lid and the box, you can produce various turkey sounds, such as yelps, clucks, purrs, and gobbles. Box calls are widely used for their versatility, ease of use, and effectiveness in attracting turkeys.

Choosing the Right Box Call (100 words):

Selecting the right turkey box call can significantly impact your hunting success. Look for a high-quality call that matches your hunting style and the turkey sounds prevalent in South Carolina. Many reputable brands offer excellent options for both beginners and experienced hunters. Consider the material, craftsmanship, and user reviews when making your choice. Additionally, practice using the call before heading into the field to familiarize yourself with its sounds and nuances.

Mastering Basic Turkey Sounds (150 words):

To effectively use a turkey box call, you must master some fundamental turkey sounds. The most common calls include:

Yelp: This is the basic sound made by hens and is used to locate other turkeys. It is a series of high-pitched, rhythmic notes.

Cluck: Turkeys produce clucks to show contentment or to call their poults (young turkeys).

Purr: Purring indicates a relaxed state and is often heard when turkeys are feeding or roosting.

Gobble: The gobble is the male turkey's signature sound during the breeding season, used to attract hens.

Practicing Your Calling Technique (100 words):

Practice is crucial to refine your turkey calling technique. Start by mimicking the different turkey sounds using your box call. Record yourself and compare it to actual turkey recordings to fine-tune your performance. Try varying the pitch, rhythm, and volume to create realistic calls. Remember, subtlety is vital in turkey hunting, as these birds have keen senses. Practice in different weather conditions and terrains to be prepared for any hunting scenario.

Using Calls in the Field (100 words):

When you head into the South Carolina woods for turkey hunting, bring your box call and other gear. Locate an area with turkey activity and position yourself with ample cover. Start with soft yelps to locate turkeys and then transition to more aggressive calls to pique their interest. Patience is key; wait quietly between calls, as gobblers may take time to respond. If a turkey responds positively to your calls, remain calm and keep calling strategically to draw them closer.

Conclusion (50 words):

Mastering the art of using a turkey box call is a valuable skill for every South Carolina turkey hunter. As you gain experience with your box call from Find A Hunt, remember that practice, patience, and understanding turkey behavior are the keys to a successful hunt. Good luck and happy hunting!