Blog / Squirrel hunting tips and techniques1

By Connor Thomas
Thursday, May 18, 2023

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Welcome to Find A Hunt, your ultimate resource for all things hunting. In this article, we will explore the thrilling realm of squirrel hunting and provide you with valuable pointers and approaches to enhance your hunting experience. Whether you're a novice or an experienced hunter, we've got you covered. So, let's dive in and uncover the secrets of successful squirrel hunting!

Comprehending Squirrels:

Prior to venturing out into the field, it's crucial to acquaint yourself with the behavior and habits of squirrels. Squirrels are highly adaptable creatures that inhabit a wide range of environments, including forests, woodlands, and suburban areas. They are most active during the early morning and late afternoon hours, so plan your hunting excursions accordingly.

Surveying Locations:

Finding the right hunting location is vital for a triumphant squirrel hunt. Seek out areas with a dense population of trees, preferably hardwoods, as squirrels often feast on acorns, hickory nuts, and other tree nuts. Pay attention to indicators such as nibbled nuts, nests, and tree bark marks. Additionally, consider hunting near water sources, as squirrels are known to frequent these areas.

Gear and Equipment:

Having the appropriate gear and equipment will greatly enhance your hunting experience. Here are some essentials to consider:

a. Firearms: A .22 caliber rifle is a popular choice for squirrel hunting due to its accuracy and low noise level. Ensure you comply with all local laws and regulations pertaining to firearms.

b. Ammunition: Choose high-quality ammunition that delivers sufficient power to bring down a squirrel but minimizes the risk of over-penetration.

c. Camouflage: Squirrels have excellent eyesight, so blending into your surroundings is crucial. Wear camouflage clothing that matches the environment you'll be hunting in.

d. Binoculars: A good pair of binoculars will help you spot squirrels from a distance and strategize your approach.

Hunting Techniques:

Squirrels can be elusive and skittish, necessitating stealth and patience. Here are some effective hunting techniques:

a. Still Hunting: Move slowly and silently through the woods, pausing frequently to scan the trees for movement or signs of squirrel activity. This method is particularly useful in areas with dense foliage.

b. Stand Hunting: Find a comfortable spot near a squirrel's feeding area or along their travel routes. Use a tree stand or find natural cover to conceal your presence.

c. Stalking: When you spot a squirrel, cautiously trail its movements, using trees and other natural cover to your advantage. Take slow, deliberate steps, minimizing noise and sudden movements.

Calling and Decoying:

Utilizing squirrel calls and decoys can be an effective strategy to attract squirrels and entice them within range. Squirrel distress calls or squirrel chatter calls can imitate the sounds of a distressed or territorial squirrel, arousing the curiosity of nearby squirrels.

Ethical Considerations:

Responsible hunting entails respecting wildlife and adhering to ethical guidelines. Always practice firearm safety, respect property boundaries, and remain aware of other hunters in the area. Ensure that you possess the necessary licenses and permissions required for hunting in your location.


Squirrel hunting offers an exhilarating and challenging experience for hunters of all skill levels. By comprehending squirrel behavior, surveying appropriate locations, utilizing the right gear, and employing effective hunting techniques, you can increase your chances of a successful pursuit. Remember to always prioritize safety, respect for the environment, and ethical hunting practices. Happy hunting!